4. Vertigo.

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"Lea?" Moria calls for me.

"What?" I shout back.

"Dinner's ready." Aunt Thea yells.

"Coming." I yell back. I go downstairs and aunt Thea starts talking about how she wants a car for her birthday. She's turning sixteen.

"Thea, Walter and I are not going to get you a car." Moria tells her.

"Well Oli got a car for his sixteenth birthday." Thea complains.

"Thea, enough!" Moria yells. Dad just looks at me. And I roll my eyes.

"Aunt Thea, not everyone gets a car for their sixteenth birthday." I try to explain.

"Oh shut up Lea!" Aunt Thea says.

"Hey! Knock it off Thea!" Dad yells.

"Oliver I'm going to get a car." Aunt Thea protests.

"So... Dad... What are we going to do today?" I ask trying to ignore aunt Thea's behavior. In the league you would be severely punished for that.

"Well Lea... Nothing as far as I know." Dad says.

"Ok." I say running up stairs. I run into my room and close the door. I just can't be near aunt Thea right now.

"Milea! Can you come back down here please?" Moira asks. I walk down stairs and back into the dining room.

"Yes?" I say sarcastically.

"Okay, you and Thea need to knock it off. Both of you are getting on mine and Oliver's last nerves." Moira says. "Anyhow, would you like to go shopping with me to pick out Thea's birthday present?"

"Um... sure." I hesitantly say. I roll my eyes and grab my leather jacket.

"Good, now... Oliver, I'm taking your daughter shopping for Thea's birthday." Moira yells. Dad comes speeding into the dining room.

"Mom, are you sure that that's a good idea? I mean, are you sure?" Dad asks.

"Why would that be a problem?" Moira asks.

"Because, right now, I completely despise Aunt Thea's party." I joke walking out of the house towards the car. 

Anything could be better than this. Well, not anything, but pretty damn close to anything. "Ready Lea?" Moira asks.

"I guess." I stare out the window and focus on the scenery. In the league, the only time that you got to go "exploring" was when you were sent to kill someone.

*Flashback to three years ago*

"Milea, are you sure that you can do this?" My boyfriend Aarron asks.

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't have agreed to it." I tell him.

"But, you're the one that pulls me back from hell, I don't know how I'm going to do that for you." He sulks.

"You'll figure it out." I say leaving. I walk down the mountain of Nana Bar Bet. I use my gauntlet and fly to Hong Kong. I reach my victim and kill him silently and quickly. Then I run and never look back. Apparently his friend found him near the ocean, where I left him.

*End of flashback*

"Here we are." Moira says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Wait... You are seriously getting Aunt Thea a car?" I ask shocked.

"Yes." Moira says walking towards a convertible.

Great just another reason to hate today. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I whip around and see a crazy guy standing before me.

"You might want to get lost." I tell him.

"Huhm." He laughs. "Cute, but no I don't." And of course, Moira isn't even paying attention. "Can I interest you in something?" He asks. The next thing I know, before I can even say no, is a needle piercing my neck. I black out.

4 hours later 

I wake up in this dark room, with green lights. "Where, where am I." I groggily say.

"Well, you're in the testing room." The guy from the parking lot says giggling.

"The what?" I'm still very confused. I start to come to grips with my surroundings. I look at the IV bag in my arm. This can not be happening right now. While his back is turn I slip out of the cuffs holding me and pull the IV bag out of my arm. I can barely see the guy. He turns around and I punch the douchebag in the face. I pinch a few nerves in his neck and put him to sleep. Great, how am I supposed to get home?

30 minutes later

Luckily, I have my gauntlet synced up to my brain waves. So I just fly home, considering I can't see shit. I climb through my bedroom window and walk downstairs. "Lea, there you are, thank goodness you are okay." Moira says.

"Yeah, totally." I say trying not to act high. God, she can't know what happened, ever!

"Lea, can I talk to you for a second?" Dad asks, pulling me into the kitchen. "What happened?"

"Huh?" I ask not  really being able to understand my dad. I try to make out what he says, but the room is spinning a thousand miles an hour.

"What happened." Dad demands.

"Nothing, I'm just gonna go to my room until the party." I tell him attempting to walk upstairs. I have no clue what's in me, but right now I feel really good. The best I've been since I was five. I finally get to my room and close the door. My body slides down the wall and I start having a laugh attack. Well this can't be good.  

Thea's Party, Midnight

"I don't know, it's supposed to make you feel all floaty and stuff." I hear one of Aunt Thea's friends say. I just roll my eyes and walk away. If she gets killed it's her fault. I walk outside to try to get some fresh air, after today, I need it.

"Hey kiddo." Uncle Tommy says walking out of the party, to where I am.

"Hey Uncle Tommy." I say back.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I question.

"I don't know, you've just been distant since you got back." He says putting his arm around me.

"Well I can assure you that I'm fine, it's just all a culture shock." My eyes get pulled towards the pool.

"Hey, have you two seen Thea?" Dad asks.

"Nope, not since we've been out here." Tommy says. I just nod my head, which hurts to do right now. God, whatever was injected in me, makes my entire body hurt right now. But before then it felt so good. Just I kinda want that feeling again. I know, it's bad, but it's true.

I walk away from my dad and Tommy and walk back inside. Everyone has practically gone home by now, so wherever aunt Thea is, it's not here. I grab my suite and climb out my bedroom window into the night. I need to find him again, what if the thing that he gave me, is the same thing my aunt's friend gave her? I run out and see my aunt's car crashed. "Thea!" I yell with my voice disguiser on. I pull her from the car and take her to the hospital. I vanish back out to the night, now I have to look for him because my aunt crashed her damn car, that I knew we shouldn't have gotten her. I knew it.

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