Chapter 1

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         Cold winter winds swept across Michigan covering each house with a soft white blanket. Gemma was sound asleep, Lucid Dreaming as usual, When her nightmare got a little too intense and she had to get out. When she awoke, she noticed that it was still early. Her alarm clock read 3:56. Still too early. Gemma decided to go back to bed. 

She went into one of her favorite dreams, She could fly.She weaved through the buildings of New York and flew across the blue ocean nearby. She could smell the fresh, salty water and when she landed she felt the hot sand on her toes. It felt so real and she didn't want to get up.


Her alarm screamed for her to get up. She wrote down her dream before it slowly faded away. She knew that writing it down was silly at this point because she knew what hat dream was. She would never forget the sun's rays beaming on her. She was know awake and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Mom, I don't think we are going to be able to go to school today" Gemma told her mother while glaring outside at the freshly fallen snow. She walked to the door and looked out the small window and unlocked the three latches on the door.  She tried to push the door forward but was unable to because of the snow. 

"Mum, don't even bother going to work either. The roads are a mess too and we can't even open the door" She continues.

"Oh wow," her mother says peeking out the window."There is a lot of snow, doll. Looks like you might not be going to school for a few day if I'm being completely honest. I'll check the news to see the forecast."

"Thanks mom. Oh and you might as well not wake Billie." Gemma warns her mother. "You know as well as I know that he gets grumpy when he gets woken up for no reason."

Billie is Gemma's younger brother. Gemma views him as a spoiled brat. He complains about everything and acts like he's the king. Anyway, as the day goes on, Gemma calls her best friend, Harper. Harper has amber brown hair, freckles and very pale skin along with bright blue eyes.

"Hey Harper, ya look outside yet?"

"Yea that's a lot of snow... you doin' anything today?" Harper responds.

"I was actually just gonna get on my snow clothes... Wanna come down?"

"Mom is going to make us lunches and we can go down to the park if you want" Harper responds.

"Sounds good, I'll see you soon"

Gemma hangs up the phone and walks to the kitchen to find her snow clothes. She was stopped to see her older brother, Lucas, was up making a breakfast for someone.

"Whatcha making, Luke?" Gemma asked while scanning the room to see a variety of food items on the counter. She saw a cluster of jams spread across the counter along with the smell of eggs and toast lingering in the air. She took in a big breath and let all the smells go through her. She loved when her brother cooked. He always made the best food. Lucas was 23 and had graduated college.He still lived at home but most people do. Plus, he makes good food so Gemma and her family doesn't mind much 

"Just a breakfast for grandfather. I'm going to visit him this morning... it's not that long of a walk. Want a bite? I made extra for us."

They walk into the dining room and set the table for four people. Gemma, Lucas,Billie and their mother. Gemma's father left when she was little to go to fight in the army. The family hasn't heard from him in years and like to assume he's dead. "It's better to think he is dead and in a better place than to think he is alive and being tortured," Gemma's Mom would always tell her children. "If he ever comes back, we will be here for him. He's probably seen a lot of  people murdered. We will still love him no matter what happens." She said in a voice of sorrow. Gemma's parents always had a strong bond and it hurt to see her upset. 

"Gemma, Wake mom." Said Lucas happily. "It's her birthday."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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