♥ 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 ♥

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My name is Y/F/N. I am a tenth-grade student attending College Françoise Dupont. My best friend is Nathaniel Kurtzberg. We've known each other since kindergarten. We know everything about each other... Well, I do. He doesn't know something about me... And if I told him, it would only put him in danger... I'm trying to keep him safe... I hope he can forgive me if he ever finds out that I am Night Wolf, the hero with a grey mask and wolf ears. My kwami is a miniature wolf who loves taffies. Her name is Nix.


I woke up to Nix nibbling on my cheek. Her small needle-like fangs felt as though they had punctured my pale skin, but they didn't. I groaned and tried waving her off. But she then began tugging at my h/c hair. 
"Y/N." Nix whined. "Wake up. You need to get the library."
"Can't you give me five more minutes?" I groaned, pulling the covers over my head. Nix used her powers to go through the thread in a burst of grey and placed her paws on my nose. 
"No you need to wake up now. You promised Nathaniel you would meet at the library so you could work on your comic." I sighed at the thought of my friend. He was so quiet and shy, yet his artwork screamed with talent. He was such an artist. I smile and get up from my bed to walk to my laptop and check the time. It was 7:00. I walked to my bathroom to get ready, my clothes tucked under arm. 
I walk down the stairs if my loft to see my mother at the counter of our flower shop. My father was fixing up a bouquet in the back. I secretly took a handful of salt water taffies from the bowl and stuffed them in my messenger bag where Nix was resting before taking a lemon zest protein bar and kissing my mom on the cheek. 
"Up so early?" She asked. 
"I promised to meet Nathaniel at the library." I answer, unwrapping my protein bar. "We're working on our comic."
"Ok, well don't forget, their choosing Paris's weather girl today." My mom reminded me. "We're voting for Aurore remember?"
"Yes mom, I remember." I walk out the door and run to the library. My silver bracelet which held my Miraculous powers jingled as I pranced up the steps into the library. Nathaniel sat at one of the far tables, his head down as he concentrated on his drawings. I walked up to him and sat beside him. 
"Nathaniel Kurtzberg." I said. He looks up and smiles. 
"Y/F/N." He responded and we laugh. I pull our comic and set it in front of us, opening it to the drawings and calligraphy-made dialogue. 
"I've always admired your pen work." Nathaniel admitted shyly, swiveling the comic towards him. 
"I could say the same about your art." I commented, pointing the his sketch of the main character in our comic, Snow Queen. Nathaniel blushed. 
"We make a good team." He said. I smirk. 
"That we do."

That afternoon, Nathaniel and I walked to his house. 
"They're voting Paris's weather girl today." I said. Nathaniel nodded. 
"I know... I'm going for Aurore." He said. 
"You have a tenancy of reading my mind." I laughed. "Because I am too. So is my family." 
We finally made it to Nathaniel's house. When we walked in, Nathaniel's father smiled at me. 
"There is my future daughter-in-law." He said. Nathaniel and I blushed. 
"Dad..." Nathaniel whispered. "She's just a friend."
"Oh, Y/N, Nathaniel you're here already?" Nathaniel's mother grinned as well. "To vote, text one for Mirelle, two for Aurore." Nathaniel and I pulled out our phones and sent a 2. 
"Let's go to my room and work on our comic." Nathaniel suggested. I nodded and followed the red-head to his bedroom. The walls were plastered with drawings of various kinds. I sat down on the floor next to Nathaniel's bed were he sat, his legs next to my head. We took out our notebooks and began working. 
Three hours later, the new weather girl for Paris was announced. The winner was....
I was shocked. So was Nathaniel. 
"Wow. I thought Aurore would win." He said. 
"Me too." I admitted, setting my notebook in my book bag and leaning against my friend's calf. He looked at me. 
"What are you tired?" He asked. I smiled then saw Nathaniel's TV screen. It was a photo of a girl with deep purple and light violet swirly pigtails and violent skin with a dark purple mask wearing a purple and lavender dress and holding a deep purple umbrella. Her name was Stormy Weather and she was causing chaos on this summer day. I stood up abruptly. 
"Actually, I am kinda tired." I lied. "I'm gonna head home now. Thanks for letting me stay." 
"Anytime." Nathaniel said, though he looked a little sad. I nearly ran out of their house and behind a tree in the nearby park. I opened my messenger bag and out flew Nix. 
"Stormy Weather has an akuma in her. HawkMoth got to her." I said. 
"We need to meet up with Ladybug and Chat Noir." Nix said. I nodded and threw my bracelet hand I front of me. 
"Nix, ears up!" Nix was sucked into the main charm. The other four became red. I swiped my hand over my eyes, creating my mask before combing my fingers through my hair, felt ears materializing along my head. I threw my body into a position as if I was making a snow angel, my grey skintight suit replacing my normal clothes. A grey wolf tail formed at the end of my spine, swishing back and forth. My nails formed into claws. My e/c turned ice blue.
When my transformation was over, I took my bow and arrow and aimed at a building. I shot my arrow before grabbing the line it had formed and giving it a tug. It reacted by pulling me to the roof where I saw Chat Noir and Ladybug already waiting for me.
"Night Wolf!" Ladybug called. "There you are." I took my arrow and stuffed it back into my quiver.
"Did you figure out where the akuma is hiding?" I asked. Ladybug nodded. "Chat and I came to the fact that it's in her umbrella..." She pointed to the top of the building where they filmed Reality TV shows.
"Who was this villain before she was akumatized?" I asked.
"Aurore." Chat answered. "She was angry because he didn't win the contest."
"Well, let's go. Where is she?" I demanded, my bow poised to shoot.
"Top of the filming bounding."
"Stormy Weather, here we come." I shot my arrow at the building, tugging it and flying through the air, Ladybug and Chat behind me.
After a long, hard fought battle, I had broken the umbrella and let the vile akuma flutter out. Ladybug swiped a finger along the middle of her yoyo and threw it towards the akuma.
"Time to de-evilize!" She cried out as she captured the akuma and purified it before letting it free and throwing up the towelette her Lucky Charm had gifted her with. I didn't use my power. I didn't need to this time. Chat and Ladybug's Miraculous beeped as their final minutes of disguise were fading. Chat turned and bowed to Ladybug and I. "Till next time, m'ladies." He said before scampering off. Ladybug turned to me.
"We did it once again." She said with a smile. I returned it. Then, Ladybug's earings beeped.
"You better leave. I can't know who you are." Ladybug nodded, then yoyoed her way to who-knows-where. I zip lined my own home and retransformed into Y/N. Nix flew out of my bracelet and landed on my nose.
"Good job Y/N." She said. "You defeated HawkMoth once again." I pet my kwami's head.
"Yes we did." I sighed. Suddenly I gasped. "Nathaniel!" I checked my phone. Over sixty messages and forty missed calls, half of them being voicemails. "He must be worried sick!" I speed dialed my friend.

Nathaniel's POV

I sat on my bed, worry causing my anxiety to skyrocket. Where was Y/N? Suddenly, my phone burst to life next to me. I scrambled for it and saw Y/N's smiling face next to mine. I immediately answered.
"Y/N!" I exclaimed. "Are you ok? Where were you? Why didn't you answer?" 
"Nathaniel." Y/N said calmly. "My phone froze because of Stormy Weather on the way home and it died, so I had to charge it when I got home. I'm fine though. Really." 
"Y/N." I sighed in relief. "Next time you're tired and their is a villain running around, just stay at my house until their defeated."
"Ok Nate." Y/N said. 
"Goodnight Nate."
"Goodnight N/N." I hung up and lay down in my bed, glad Y/N was safe.

1522 words and counted

『 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 』♥ 『 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 』Where stories live. Discover now