♥ 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐭 ♥

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   It was Sunday morning. Nathaniel had slept over my house so we could catch up on our comic. I woke up to see him in the floor, his bangs falling from his face. I looked at him. It's rare I ever saw his face fully. I saw Nathaniel stir and I quickly stood up. Nathaniel rolled over and opened his green eyes and looked up at me. 
"Morning N/N." He said before yawning. I giggled. He yawns like a kitten. 
"Morning Nate." I said. "Ready to see that statue revealing?" I mentally face palmed. Nix poked her furry head from behind my pile of books on my desk and shook her head. 
"Nate, I... I, um, I actually promised Marinette I'd meet her at the... At the. Uh, the park today..." I lied. "Sorry... I'll go check it out later with you though!" Nathaniel smiled, though his eyes showed disappointment. 
"Ok." He said. "I guess I should be getting ready. The revealing is at 8 and I want to be there for a few good photos for drawing references." Nathaniel stood up and patted down his hair, moving his bangs back over his face. I smiled back. 
"Alright. Maybe I'll catch you at noon?" I suggested. "That way we can head to the library to work on the comic." 
"Sure." Nathaniel said, now from my bathroom.

   When Nathaniel had left to his house, I ran to my loft and looked at Nix. 
"I feel bad for lying to him." I said guiltily. Nix nuzzled into my cheek. 
"You know it's for the best right?" She said. I nodded. 
"I know." I took a deep breath. "I know." I threw my braceleted hand outward. 
"Nix, ears up!" Nix was sucked into the main charm. The other four became red. I swiped my hand over my eyes, creating my mask before combing my fingers through my hair, felt ears materializing along my head. I threw my body into a position as if I was making a snow angel, my grey skintight suit replacing my normal clothes. A grey wolf tail formed at the end of my spine, swishing back and forth. My nails formed into claws. My e/c turned ice blue.
I climbed onto my roof and pulled out an iron-tipped arrow and shot it from my grey and white camouflage bow to the park where the statue revealing was. I landed next to a clothed structure and next to Chat Noir. He turned and smirked. 
"M'lady." He purred. I smiled back at him. 
"Chat." I like around and noticed there was no red-suited masked super hero. 
"Where's Ladybug?" I asked. 
"I guess she's late again." Chat answered. 
"Maybe." I noticed a man walk up to Chat. In his hand was a newspaper cutout of Ladybug. 
"Um, Chat Noir?" He asked. "Do you know when Ladybug is arriving?" 
"She should be coming soon." Chat put an arm around the man's shoulders. I recognized him. His name was Scooter, a Parisian sculptor. I felt someone tap my shoulder as turned to see Nathaniel holding a drawing and a pen. He looked really nervous and shy. 
"N-n-night wolf...?" He asked stutteringly. I nodded and put a smile on my face. 
"Yes." I said. "You are?"
"A...a fan." Nathaniel admitted. "I-I was hoping you would- you could give me your autograph?" He handed me the drawing and pen. I took it from him and gave him my signature. It was my initials with a little stick-figure arrow above it. 
"There ya go." I said, handing it back. Nathaniel's face lit up with joy. 
"Thank you so much Night Wolf." He said softly. "I.. I really do admire you and your heroic acts..." After realizing what he said, Nathaniel turned around with a tomato-red face and walked to the back of the group. The mayor walked up and cleared his throat. The revealing was about to begin. After a few words, he pulled the cloth down to show a sculpture of Chat Noir crouched down with Ladybug above him, her yoyo still as if stopped in time and me kneeling next to Chat, my bow aimed at who-knows-what. 
By the time everyone had dispersed from the statue, I took the chance to zip line back home. When I landed on my roof, I let myself relax and Nix flew out of my bracelet. 
"Y/N?" My mother called from the loft. 
"Nix," I let my kwami zip into my denim jacket. "Stay hidden."
"Y/N?" My mom opened the door to the roof and saw me looking at the view from the railing. 
"There you are." She said. "It's Sunday. What do you want to do?" 
"Um.." I hadn't thought of that. I was just a revealing for my own statue. That thought jostled my memory. Nathaniel. 
"Nathaniel wanted me to drop by he park so we could look at the new statue." I said. 
"Oh!" My mother smiled. She was fond of the red-headed boy. "Well, be sure to take your phone." She left the roof and Nix flew out from my jacket fold. 
"Let's go." I said, guilt tugging at my heart.

I walked to the park and spotted Nathaniel on a bench. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms round his neck, resting my head along the crook of his neck. 
"Hello tomato." I teased. 
"N/N." He replied, moving a strand of my h/c hair from my face. 
"Sorry I couldn't make it to the revealing." I said. 
"It's ok." He said. "We can look at the statue now." He got up and picked me up bridal style, twirling me in front of him as setting me down. I chuckled. 
"Let's go." I let Nathaniel lead me by my hand to the bronze statue. 
"Aren't they amazing?" Nathaniel asked me. "Especially Night Wolf." My heart leapt and dropped at that comment. 
"Yeah." I forced out. "They are amazing."
"I got Night Wolf's autograph." Nathaniel pulled out a drawing of Night Wolf and her/my weapons with her/my signature along the page. 
"Nice!" I said. "Well, why don't we hang out for a bit?" I suggested. 
"Sure." Nathaniel said, tucking to paper away.

   After three hours of hanging out with Nathaniel, he finally had to go home. I felt my heart dip a little bit, but nonetheless, I plastered a smile along my lips. "Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow I said. "Yeah... Me too." He said. We were silent for an awkward moment. Then, Nathaniel hugged me,!his head tucked into the crook of my neck. I didn't know how to react, so I hugged him back. When he realize what he was doing, Nathaniel let go and blushed. "Bye Y/N." He said before turning and running. I sighed and my hand drifted unconsciously to my heart. Nix sized out of my jacket. "Y/N?" She asked. "Are you absolutely sure you're ok?" I looked at the wolf kwami. "Why?" I wondered aloud. "You've been really off lately." Nix relied. "Since this morning." I sighed. "I don't know Nix." I admitted. "I honestly don't know."    As I was walking home, shriek of terror ripped through the peace and quiet. I saw Chat Noir run out of the art gallery with a painting in his hands. Police were chasing after him. My eyes widened and I ran behind the bushes."Wasn't that Chat Noir?" Nix asked me. I shook my head. "Chat may be a flirt and a total weirdo but he is not a criminal in any way." I said. I threw my braceleted hand outward. "Nix, ears up!" Nix was sucked into the main charm. The other four became red. I swiped my hand over my eyes, creating my mask before combing my fingers through my hair, felt ears materializing along my head. I threw my body into a position as if I was making a snow angel, my grey skintight suit replacing my normal clothes. A grey wolf tail formed at the end of my spine, swishing back and forth. My nails formed into claws. My e/c turned ice blue.   I pulled an arrow back from my bow string and aimed at the Eiffel Tower to see what was Chat Noir's game.    When I arrived at the tower I saw no Chat. With a growl of annoyance I turned and spotted police gathered around a triangular glass building. "That must be where Chat is." I mumbled, shooting my bow in its direction.    When I reached the building, I found Ladybug speaking to Policeman Rogers. I walked up to them. "Sir?" I asked as I approached. "Why is the SWAT team here?" "Chat Noir has proven himself a dangerous criminal." Rogers replied. "We must bring him down and take him into custody." I shook my head. "Sit we both know Chat isn't capable of theft." I said. "If he is indeed in that building, let Ladybug and I talk some sense into him, figure out what is going on. This may easily be an imposter." Ladybug took this chance to call Chat on her yoyo. "I'm sorry, Night Wolf, no can do." I growled. "Night!" Ladybug called me over. I walked up to her. "Chat says that the robber isn't him." "Well than who is it?" "He says it Scooter." "The sculptor?" "Yeah. Apparently, Chat got him angry and he was akumatized.""Stupid Kitty." I growled. "Where is the real Chat?" "He said he was gonna deal with CopyCat himself." Ladybug said. "We need to help him." I ran past the officers and SWAT members and raced into the building.    After a long hard battle, I held CopyCat's newspaper cut out of Ladybug. I ripped it in half, letting the vile akuma flutter out. Ladybug swiped a finger along the middle of her yoyo and threw it towards the akuma, capturing it and purifying it. When all was back to normal, my bracelet and Chat's ring beeped. "See ya." I said. "Try not I commit anymore crimes while we're gone." "That wasn't me though!" Chat whined. I laughed and zip lines home. When I landed in my room, Nix flew out of my bracelet. "You feeling any better?" She asked me. "I'm more worried about you." I admitted, handing her a strawberry taffy. "You used up your energy." "We used up our energy." Nix corrected, munching on the chewy sweet. I nodded. "Yeah." I smiled. "We." I looked at my laptop. "And you know what? I do feel better."

1771 words and counted

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