Untitled Part 1

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Tears blurred Gerard's vision and he could hear his blood racing through every vein in his body. The bright overhead lights of the doctor's office were no longer tolerable. He stood up from the stained chair he was sitting on and stumbled out of the room to the waiting area, where his small group of family and his closest friend stood impatiently. Their heads all raised as they looked at him, worry in their eyes as they waited for the presumably horrible news that was eating away at the boy.

There was a dreadful few seconds of silence as the tears slid down Gerard's pale cheeks and he took in a shaky breath. "I... I have inoperable brain cancer." He managed to say, his voice quieted and uncertain. He himself hardly believed it, and he didn't want to have to believe it. He didn't want anyone to have to believe it.

When he looked up, through his greasy, dark hair, he flinched at the looks on everyone's faces. All of them were expecting this at some point, but why did it have to happen now? Why, with such a young, talented, important man, did it have to happen now? Expressions of grief, fear, and sadness stared grimly at him and he was lost in them until he felt two hands on his shoulders. He focused, seeing Frank standing before him.

Oh, Frank. Frank was always Gerard's number one fan, always by his side. He could always be trusted and counted on. Not once had they ever wronged each other, yet right now Frank looked to be in true pain. His hazel eyes locked with Gerard's for a moment before he pulled the ill boy into a tight, loving hug. "It's gonna be okay, Gee. I'm never gonna let you be alone, okay?" He mumbled, closing his eyes and not letting go. He felt Gerard's arms wrap around him as well, and he knew that the two of them would make this okay.

Once they parted, Frank turned around. Everyone but Gerard's mother and brother had left. What a turn out, right? Mikey, his brother, looked at the two of them with eyes swollen from tears. "You're joking, right, Gerard? You aren't gonna..." The ending was implied, and it broke Gerard's heart.

"I am, Mikey." He nodded sadly, his chin quivering as he started to cry again. "I have six months." At that point, Mikey was sick. He rushed to the door, pushing it open and throwing up on the concrete outside almost immediately. Tears streamed down as he hunched over, unable to accept that this was real, that any of this was happening. His mother followed, going to console the weeping boy.

"Come outside when you're ready, you two." His mother nodded, tearing up. She was always tough when it came to things like this, she handled it well.

Frank looked up at Gerard, who was just slightly taller than him. "Let's head home, okay? I'll stay the night with you." He smiled sympathetically, taking the other's hand. He nodded, letting Frank guide him out and to his car. He still felt weak as he climbed into the passenger seat and leaned back. Sighing, he closed his eyes.

Frank drove them to the Way household, where his family was already waiting. He parked and took a moment to look over at Gerard, who seemed to be sleeping. He looked beautiful, and to Frank, he always did. That was his best friend. His amazing, perfect best friend. A little smile stretched over his lips as he reached over and shook Gerard's shoulder.

"Wake up, sleeping beauty." He joked. After a moment, the boy was still unresponsive. Frank's smile faded and he shook him again. "Gerard? Gerard." He said frantically, His nerves starting to act up. He threw himself out of the car and sprinted into the house, stumbling and running into things.

"Gerard won't wake up!" He shouted. "Call an ambulance!" He put his hands on his head, running back outside. He couldn't believe this. Didn't he say he had six more months? What went wrong and why couldn't anyone stop it?

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