Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

The 57th expedition was complete, many lives were claimed by the Titans along with your fellow friend Nate. Still, you refused to mourn his death as long as your fellow comrades where with you, the Titan who claimed his life had escaped just as you where about to take revenge since you could not carry on, the case was your gas coming to it's end. An aberrant who would not ignore you and was clever unlike the rest escaped your grasp like trying to catch smoke with bare hands. Those green, piercing emerald eyes would no longer be there in view to all eyes but only to you in your mind. The warm laugh he always gave out would never be heard again but only in your mind.

"(Name)?" A sweet voice called your name from behind you. You came out of your thoughts to then realising you had been crying a little. Turning on your heels as your (Hair colour) hair whipped your face slightly while whipping your eyes quickly, you came to greet Petra with a weak smile trying to hide your broken state of mind. "Hey, are we ready to go yet?" You rapidly said wanting to just return to the castle and lock yourself in your room and never come out. She shook her head. "Sorry, but not yet. Where just filling up our gas tanks again and checking our gear encase we run into that aberrant again. Have you done yours." A lump in your throat formed making you nearly turn into panic mode. You knew you had not done this, but you just wanted to get away from any communication for some while as soon as possible so, you just nodded. You turned on your heels once again and began to walk away to your horse for a quick ride through the forest area. "(Name)" Petra rested her hand on your shoulder. You couldn't face her this time, the loss of Nate was too painful and you didn't to be seen as this wreck. "I'm sorry about Nate, he was a true friend to all of us." Petra tried to comfort you. Yet, you didn't want this comfort. You just wanted to be alone, so with no answer from your voice, you shrugged her off and ran to your horse and riding deeper into the woods only hearing Petra's plead for you to wait. She couldn't do anything, you were too far away for her to catch up.

Brocken, you leaned in close to your trusty steed and let out a wailing cry until your throat could not take it anymore. Your voice was lost with in the winds carrying you further into the woods.

Please, let this just be a dream. A terrible dream! gosh darn it why!! Why him!

"TELL ME WHY!" You burst out along with another cry with tears staining your face. Suddenly, you stopped. You slowed your horse down until you fully stopped. Nate, what would he do if he saw me cry like this. What- What would Erwin think? I'm just an over grown child that is too attached to a doll? Would he even care now?

You and Erwin had become close since the last expedition, he did care about you yet you didn't believe it meant anything. Just as nearly the same age as you, his face would glow a little every time you set your deep (Eye colour) eyes on him. Every now and then, he would return the same gaze at you only to be caught and then return to his normal state. For the past weeks, he had ignored you and treated you like any other cadet. For this, you questioned what you had done to make him act like that towards you. When he shouted at Hanji once again for running off and you there to calm his temper down, he would only look at you and turn away to his quarters once again. You felt like your feeling of safety had been dragged down the well and drowned by its own devises. Never to return.

You shook your head to try and get his calm face out of your mind and continued on but only in a trot. A knot in your gut began as you felt unsafe. Although the forest looked soothing and calm in your mind you felt on edge. And for a good reason. You lifted your hood to show the wings of freedom on your back and commanded your horse to go that little bit faster. You trued to put the death of your friend and rejection of your superior to the back of your mind and your survival back into your head. For you could hear quick thumping becoming louder. Little rocks shook to the beat of the footsteps  and you forced your horse into a gallop. The Titan was back, and it's prey, was you...

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