Chapter 3

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You felt a sudden lump clutching at your throat. The feeling of sadness and deep loss buried in your heart. You had your flare ready to signal the red flare. This signal was for them to escape safely, leaving you....

You thought about their smiling faces, however, now was not the time to be lost in your thoughts as it could be the last thing you do. Tear picked at your (e/c) eyes as you imagined Petra's voice in your head. Much like an ego, pleading and trying so hard to stop you from going. I'm so sorry Petra, I don't want any of you hurt from my foolish actions. You thought sadly wanting them by your side. Your worst fear, not the titans but dying alone. Being killed didn't faze you if you where dying along with others by your side but alone, you felt like you had nothing and no one knew of your death, they never witnessed it. Biting back the heart throbbing sobs, you cried out loud. "This is my fault they died and I intend to take punishment. Don't grief over me. One life is better than ten or more. Petra, I'm sorry...." tears where now running freely down your face and being carried off with the wind. Ever since your family died, Petra was like a sister to you, Hanji just like a mother and Levi.....being Levi (I couldn't think of him being a brother xD). You rode faster to try and get away from the breaking of your mask. It didn't work but yet you still carried on. On the hunt for those man eating bastards that claimed so many lives.


Petra was trying extremely hard not to breakdown again since with you gone and knowing you wouldn't come back and if you did, you would be barley breathing. She would have a hole in her heart, sucking all the liveliness from her life like a black hole of eternal darkness. If she was to breaking down now, she would never forgive herself. She would be forced by her inner emotions to be let free and Erwin would be told of your fate with death.

Out of her own imagination, she thought of you, your bright smile and glowing (e/c) orbs in the sun light. Your voice called out to her. "Keep strong, be brave. I'll never leave you and I'll always be there for you and the rest of the gang. Never give up. I will be there." Petra smiled at your words all the while her hair hiding her petite, sweet face that was stained by salty tears. One lat tear fell down before she nodded and went back to her old cheery self. For your sake (Name) you shall not die in vain. You have changed humanities fate by giving your heart to humanity. Petra grinned in her head just hoping some where out there, you could hear her thought. It's difficult to say goodbye to one true friend. But, as you said, it is only one more instead of more. She sighed before running off to the others. However, that one live is yours.......

-------------------------------Back in the forest----------------------

Your thoughts where interrupted by a rhythmic sound of what sounded like thunder. Not wasting anytime, you turned around to see a glimpse of the monsters chasing you.  This is it (Name), at least you had a fun life eh? You thought and once again the lump clutched onto your throat and forcing tears and sobs to erupt. You held them back a much as you could. Rage building up in your system and blood, you reviled one of the blades screaming to the titans. "YOU HEARTLESS BASTARDS! DON'T YOU FEEL ANY GUILT? WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO KINDLY KILL YOURSELVES! YOU DISGUSTING FILTH!" That last part Levi had said to you thousand of times for now washing your clothes.

Although you knew they couldn't possibly understand a simple darn word you where saying, a little part of you grew terrified that they did and was now more determined to rip that little body of yours. You just spat at them from your hore and with a threatening tone you spoke. "If you want to kill me so bad then you'll have to come and get me. I FUCKING DARE YOU TO LAY A FINGER OF MY COMRADES AND I SWEAR TO THE WALLS I'LL CREATE AN ASSHOLE FOR YOU SO I CAN SHOVE MY BLADE UP YOUR ASS!"

Their reply was just a groan. Panting and catching up to you. Hurriedly, you switched to your maneuvering gear to escape them faster. The problem? The one thing you forgot.......

You had less than 20% of gas......

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