The game pt2

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Emily's POV

It's 11:45 me and my friends are seeing how this 'game' works. We are playing for about 5 or so minutes till anything happens but when it does all of our bodies got chills from head to toe. "Hello" that's all she/he said until we asked the spirits gender," Are you a male for female just put f or m.", Ella said nervously, Then it slowly moved to "F" we all look at each other... then Austin stuttered," a.a.are you g.good spirit.?" And we all stare at the board... it's jerks to "NO" we all get terrified and Ella looks like she is about to cry and I feel so bad!

Ella's POV

Oh. My. Gawd. I am NOT getting paid enough for this and yes I was about to cry but I was resisting it. I really don't want to play so I take my fingers and and shout," THATS IT IM OUT OF HERE!!!" They try to stop me but I don't live that for away so I get up and walk out. I have to walk down a long dark hall way, I hear something but it was only my friends they say," STOP..." then they freeze and just stare at me and then they just say," Ella... run her now." And as usual I'm say" now I'm done!" I turn around and there's something standing at the end of the hallways. It's tall wispy and slightly transparent. And slowly walk backwards and then I turn and run and then all my friends scream and yell," FASTER ITS RIGHT BEHIND YOU!!!" And then we all run inside the apartment building and then turn all the lights back on, someone suddenly knocks on the door slowly. Knock... knock... knock...

Austins POV

Someone knocked on the door and obviously I'm hugging my girlfriend Emily while we sit on the couch, she's crying and I say, "babe. Don't move." I get up off the couch and look through the peep hole all I see is my neighbor Kari but she's not normal her face is so pale and there eyes... they were covered with film like a blind persons eyes would look like... but she's not blind she has great seeing. I don't open the door and right when I start to walk away she knocks again but when I look through again... she was dead... she was hanging from the ceiling but behind her... it said "Hello"  written in blood. I step away from the door slowly and then turn away. "Did we say goodbye!?" I say confused and scared, we all just look at each other and then one person said "no. Because we chased Ella" and then we all look at the board and then I say "let's just get it over with..." we all get up and walk over to the board scared.

Till next time.... Best wishes

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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