Chapter one

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*Allura's pov*

As the bell rang signalling the lesson and the school day are over I shout out to my class, " Don't forget to do your homework for Thursday. ". I come to realise that I have to go to the after school club that I run. The club is for troubled kids in the school. At the moment this includes: Pidge, Keith, Lance and Hunk. The only reason why they are in this club is because Lance and Keith got into a fight and Pidge was cheering them on. Poor Hunk wasn't doing anything wrong. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. A sigh escaped my lips as I packed away my things. I stumbled over a rouge wire as i walked towards the old red door. Shouts filled the hallway. Unhurriedly, I walked down to the dreaded room.

The building seemed to only be getting louder the closer I get to it. what could they be doing in there I thought to my self. As i waked to the door i looked in through the little window. As usual Keith and Lance were argueing. "Can you two stop arguing? This is the reason why we are all in here in the first place." asked Hunk with slight anger in his Voice. Pidge was on her phone not paying any attention to what was going on around her.

Waking in I could feel the thick gloomy atmosphere of the room. Banging my hand on to the desk at the front of the room. I gained their attention. "Can you listen to me while I tell you what you will be doing today?" I ask with high hopes. "Pidge!" I say with force and an authoritative voice, "Listen.". Only then does she look at me. " Good. Now today you will be tidying the room and I don't want any arguing coming from any of you. " I inform them pointing towards Keith and Lance. Sighs came from all of them.

Slowly they all got up and started cleaning the room. Hunk went and cleaned the windows with Pidge. While Keith and Lance cleaned tables. Annoyance was written on Keith's face. He clearly hates the idea of having to work with Lance.  However I don't understand why he hates him so much. Keith gets along with pidge and Hunk well. So why doesn't he get along with Lance?

///////////////////////////////// this is the first time I have ever written a story so sorry if it isn't great and if the grammar is wrong in some areas. 

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