0.3 - PE and Partners (Part 2)

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Millie Bobby Brown's Point of View:

"So you're a dance, huh?" He smiles. I giggles and wink at Finn.

"Well, not really. I've actually never danced a day in my life. I just like the challenge." I shrug. We continue to walk to lunch and slowly he touches my hand and out fingers interlock. I smile and walk closer to him. Caleb immediately whistles once he sees us and we both roll our eyes. 

"Soooo, how are you guys?" Caleb laughs. Finn blushes and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Well, I'm thankfully Sadie ditched me in choir today and that you ditched Finn. Cause now he's mine." I chuckle while poking his cheekbone. He blushes even more than before, which I thought wasn't possible.

"Awwwww." Our friend Noah says with his hands on his heart. "How adorable." We finish off the lunch break and walk outside to head to the choir. We walk in still hand in hand and I watch as Sadie, Maddy, and Ashlynn's jaws drop. I wink at them and sit down next to Finn as instructed to do on the board.

"Look at your friends, they are still shocked," Finn whispers.

"Dude, I'm still shocked." I smile while putting my head on his shoulder again.

"Alright, everybody. If you have followed the directions on the board then you should be sitting next to your chosen partner. If not then please do that now." Mrs. Moore instructs while motioning her hands. Nobody moves so she begins to explain the project.

"Okay, so this month's partner project is to write a song of any genre, it doesn't matter what tempo or length. Although the people with the best people will win a prize. Which will be announced at the end when the winners are announced. You may begin if there are no questions." She says scanning the room. I raise my hand.

"Is there a way to get extra credit as well?" I ask.

"That will be up to you how you do so, but yes there is an extra credit option." She smiles knowing that I'd do the extra credit work. Once no one else raises their hand everyone's voices begin to mix.

"So, what do you want to do? I don't mind what we do as long as we can incorporate a solo for each of us." Finn says to me full of curiosity. I shrug and start to brainstorm. I hum a soft pattern and he stops me.

"Wait, trying singing that pattern." He pleads. I sing it and he smiles. "Introduction piece." I nod and continue to sing the pattern while he tries to add on with words.  He starts to sing a song and I smile. Once he gets to about where a course would begin I sing backing him up. (A/N: The song at the top is the song they use.) He ends the song and I get out a sheet of paper to write down the words. He sings softly again as I write until he finishes once more.

"Hey, do you want to meet up after school and work on this alone. I'll bring my guitar and we can work some more maybe?" Finn whispers while grabbing my fingertips.

"Why, I'd love to Mr. Wolfhard." I giggle.

"Okay, I'll walk to your house after school, alright?" He writes down my address and I blush more than before. Soon enough the class period is over and we leave to go to the fifth block. He takes my hand once more and we walk together.

"So, where are we going to for the project?" I ask.

"It's a surprise princess." He winks.

"Oh no. This should be fun." I joke. He drops me off at my classroom and pulls me in for a hug before going to his class. For the rest of the day, I'm nonstop smiling. Once the final bell rings we all head out to the buses. We all say goodbye to our friends before running to the buses. I get on the bus and sit against the window with my headphones in. Sadie sat with Brooke so I got the seat to myself. I put my feet up on the seat and doze off until Sadie taps my feet waking me up.

"Millie, get up. There are two stops until yours." Sadie smiles. I groan and get up and put the bag on my back. I smile once I get off the bus because I remember that I'm seeing Finn soon. I walk to my house with a smile plastered across my face at the thought of seeing him.


(A/N: Sorry that this is cut short, I want the next part to be it's own chapter so I had cut it short. Sorry. -Tori on 2/12/17

Word Count: 800

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