chapter five | dinner

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I begged him to stay.
Try to remember what we had at the beginning.


Today is the day my father will finally come home and actually be home for more than a few hours. I missed him, I would admit. Never to him, of course. My dad and I never really get along that often. We never really see eye to eye. My father isn't one who likes to show his emotions so he pushes me off. Momma says it's because he just has a very 'tough heart'. It's silly to think my mother and him are actually together. They're just so different. But maybe he hasn't always been this way. I don't know.

I gazed into the mirror as if I had all the time in the world before taking cloth ties out of my hair one by one. My hair fell from the ties into curls that fell past my unclothed shoulders.

As I studied my body in the mirror I heard a knock at my door. I quickly picked up my clothes that laid on the floor by my ankles, holding them to my chest. "Who is it?" My Mother never knocked.

"The Boogey Man," A deep, yet familiar voice informed from the other side.

I giggled. "Dad!" He chuckled from the other end. "I'll be down in just a second."

"Okay, hurry. Supper soon, lady bug." My dad spoke. The wooden stairs began to creek one at a time meaning my dad had left my door.

I hurried over to my closet and grabbed the first outfit on my rack which happened to be a cream colored knee length dress. The torso was covered in violet flowers and and a gold strip was stitched around the waist. I remember the day that dress was bought for me, actually. It happened to be about 5 or so years ago. My mother bought it as a gift after I finished primary school. Luckily the dress still fits considering I never really get any smaller or larger.

I threw the dress on along with my undergarments and headed down stairs.

As I got to the bottom steps I saw my dad sitting on the couch. I decided to go help Momma set the table since I haven't been helping out lately. I entered the kitchen and grabbed a few plates.

"Sit out six plates instead of three, Alannah."

"Who's coming over?"

"Your sister, her Fiancé, and a friend of theirs or somethin'. I didn't ask any questions, I like having company here and there. This place is a Ghost Town," She sighed.

Even though I wanted to protest against it, I didn't. I kept my mouth shut and set the table.


"So," Dad spoke with his mouth slightly full. "Your Mother tells me you have a new friend or somethin'?"

I decided not to say anything, once again. I only nodded while Ceclie glanced up at me from across the table. I knew if I said anything he'd begin to ask questions and then eventually he would find out that my friend is really a twenty-seven year old man who I happen to think about all the time.

"What's her name?" He poured alcohol in his glass.

I glanced over at my Mom, who looked just as uncomfortable as I did.

"His, actually," I mumbled with my head ducked low. "His name is Harry."

"Well," My Mother stood up from her chair and dusted off her crimson shirt. "How about we have dessert now? Pie, yes?" She nodded towards everyone at the table. I felt almost as if I had been freed from jail when Momma purposely changed the subject but I knew he wasn't gonna let it go that easily.

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