chapter eight | colors

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He was like this hybrid, this mix of a man who couldn't contain himself.

"Almost there!" He spoke, holding my legs tightly. A minute or so passed by and we came to a stop. "Here we are."

I held my breath as he let me down on the grass. My legs tingled, as they had fallen asleep.

"Wait don't look!" He covered my eyes. "Now, turn around," He instructed and I obeyed. He uncovered my eyes.

I smiled at the ackers of poppy's before us. Each poppy was so alive and beautiful. Their colors were all unexpected. Splashes of reds, oranges, yellows. I had never seen so far. A poppy is a flower in the subfamily Papaveroideae of the Papaveraceae family. Poppies are herbaceous plants, often grown for their colorful flowers. They've always been my absolute favorite flower.

"They're beautiful," I smiled at him. "But how'd you find them?"

"Oh, you know," He shrugged. "I was just burying a body and stubbled upon them a few nights ago and then thought of you."

"Surely you're joking," I laughed. He nodded with a chuckle. "Why did these poppies make you think of me?"

"Well, firstly, they're beautiful. Like you, of course," He grabbed my hand. "They're colorful," He paused. "Mesmerizing, they are. But, the beauty of it all is that they're so, so, so unaware of it," He smirked.

He unexpectedly placed his lips upon mine and my knees gave in. I grabbed his warm cheek with my slightly warmer hand. He rested his hands on my hips and squeezed them tightly. I felt myself become light headed so I quickly exhaled through my nostrils. Breathe Alannah, breathe. My blood throughout my body felt as if it were pumping through my veins at a speed that was unknown to man.

My skin began to tingle we goosebumps formed all over my skin.

Before I knew it we were on the ground. His back was pressed against the cool grass and my inner thighs were pressed against his sides. I wanted this all so much, too much, maybe. I tried to push those erotic thoughts out of my head because now is not the time, nor the place.

As I looked down at Harry I couldn't help but noticed bright purple bruises scattered on his flesh. I traced the soft flesh. An unknown feeling of anger, pain, maybe, filled my body. I looked up at his calm eyes. I touched his skin once more and got off of him.

"How come?" I sighed, laying beside of him on a patch of vibrant grass.

"Oh, that?" He glances down at his bruised forearm. He paused a moment and I began to wonder if he was just trying to form the perfect lie. "I hit it on my car door," He rests his head on my chest. "I bruise easily, that's all." I kissed his forehead. He was lying.

I only nodded and looked up to the sky. The sky looked almost exactly like it did when I first met, well spied on, Harry. I smiled at the thought and began to wonder. I started to wonder about how these months would've turned out if I would have never met, or even seen Harry in his yard on the phone that night. My life would probably be pretty depressing. But then again I had Toby to talk to. Even though he was a pretty busy nine year old. Then I began to wonder how everything would be if my mom approved of me talking to Harry. I told her that I only talked to him because I was lonely and I no other friends. Though, that was the reason at first.

"The sky looks like cotton candy," I sigh.

Harry chuckles. "It does, doesn't it?"

"Mhm. God is making cookies for the angels."

"Wait, what?" Harry chuckled lightly.

"Nothing," I giggled.

I watch as Harry squints one eye, still giving the sky all of his attention. It's alright, though. Sometimes the universe likes to be noticed. It deserves it.

"How do you think the world will be in say," I paused, "fifty years?"

"Wow, you sure are a random thinker, Lana," He smirked. "To answer your question-- I don't really know. I'm sure they'll be a lot more technology, a lot less jobs," He chuckles.

"Maybe robots?"

"You dream big, kid," He grins.


"We better get out of here before it gets too dark," He sighed.

I nodded and sat up. He was right. Mom always likes me to be home before dark and it's right around the corner, unfortunately.

Harry stood up and grabbed my hand, helping me up. My knees popped, making me wince. I ignored the pain and started to walk.

"Wait, what're you doing!?"

He picked the beautiful, lively, flower.

"For you," He handed me the poppy.

"Why would you pick something so beautiful?"

"Well, because it's beautiful?" He laughed.

"But now it's going to tarnish, all of it's innocent beauty will dwindle."

"Everything perishes, Lana."


"I'm assuming you have to go home now, yeah?" Harry asks.

"Yeah," Alannah sighed. She sat back in her seat as the car started and the engine began.

Alannah buried her head between her knees as the car took off. Harry's vision stayed directed on the road ahead of them.

"I miss you when I'm not with you."

"I miss you as well."

"Let's go somewhere soon." Alannah offered.

"Where to?"

"The Races, take me to the races."

Silence filled the small space between them as the question went unanswered. The silence wasn't an awkward, but comfortable form of silence. Alannah peered out the window. She watched the trees flew past the window like blots of screaming colors. She began to think about the science behind the speed of light, sound, just about everything she'd probably never be able to comprehend, but that was okay. Some things in this world will never be answered and she knew that. The beauty of all the unanswered questions is that you have not wait a single moment before trying to answer them. You have not wait a single moment before changing your outlook on the universe or it's outlook on you.

"Harry?" Alannah's voice stripped the space of it's silence.


"I think I love you."

He smiled and grabbed her hand that was once resting on his thigh. "So, how about I take you to the races?"

I got to meet Bernie fucking sanders Sunday and ya girls still SHOOOK.

anyways, thanks as always, you're so cute

I read every comment and message (message meee, I love meeting new people) and they always make my heart smile

I'm thinking about adding more of Harry's POVs to the chapters soon. I feel like they're more understanding, and for lack of a better word, 'matured'. i think you guys feel the same way x


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