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This was a long time coming, I've slowly been growing more fond of ryden than petekey, which is my other one shot book I'm still writing for it though, just less so.

A comment on these stories is, there will be (most likely) no character death. It's not affecting me as much as it used to and isn't really what I want to write. For the most part, these will have happy, or ambiguous, endings. I'm thanking Ailsa because she is the reason I do anything in life and I'm also thanking my playlist because it inspires my existence.

I intent to update this more reugularly than my other books, maybe about the same as 27 which at this point is once a month which I don't mean it's just with 27 I spend a lot of time researching and planning out the chapter, which isn't the best but I'm trying. Please feel free to point out any mistakes in anything I write, or criticise me! It really helps.

The oneshots will be mostly AU and I'll put any possible triggers before the story. Any questions or requests would be great!


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