Sophias moment: one

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I thought out date went well,  sitting in this car,  music pushing through Cadeance's speakers. The air conditioner was turned low and we sat in comfortable silence on our way to my house.

The night had been so kind to us. We talked about everything under the sun. We spoke about our favorite things and things that made us mad. We talked about school and what we wanted to do once we were finished with school. Everything about Cadeance was so interesting. Her outfit was so cute. It made me feel so over dressed. I just wanted to look good for her. She was so pretty to me. Thin and willowy,  her skin was a bright white,  allowing me to know that she's very pale. Which was pretty cool,  I wondered when or if I would see her in color. It was so rare. My family didn't know anything about the world of color. My parents had married out of money rather than love and still to this day have not seen color. At least that's what they had told me.

"Love is fake and trivial and what you really require is money in this world." my mother's stern but bright voice sprang up in my head. I wondered to myself if my mom and dad wished they had instead married for love,  rather than going color blind for the rest of their lives. Wouldn't it be nicer to be more than a friend in something as sacred as marriage. You're supposed to spend your life with that person,  don't you think you should love them as more than a friend?  It was something I asked myself over and over until I thought I would go mad.

I never cared to date in high school or middle school,  if you consider those relationships actual relationships. But for me,  I didn't want too partake in such affairs. My focus remained on studying and getting my way through school without the drama that was finding a soul mate. People in high school world make themselves go crazy because they wanted to experience what they knew today be love.

I never tried because my at environment discouraged such a trivial experience but in my head,  I dreamed of a world without shades of black,  grey and whites. I was so in my head I did not even realize that we had parked in front of my house. Panic flooded through me, I wasn't sure why. But I knew that if I didn't see her sooner than Friday I would probably freak out more than I was now. The words tumbled from my lips, taking even me by surprise. "I know I said next Friday, but how about we see each other sooner than that?" My stomach turned and i felt sick. What if she said no? But I knew she would not, as I saw the happiness light up her face. "That would make me so happy!" The lyrical voice tickled my heart. I gulped and nodded, my teeth nibbling at my lip, waiting for Cadeance to help me out of the car. 

I could have done it myself, but I wanted her to have her way, and she liked being polite and opening the door for her date. It wasn't in my way to accept such a thing, I was more independent and could take care of myself. But it softened me up, to know she enjoyed tiny gestures like that. I would repay her kindly on our next date! I just had to think of where to go. Cadeance's hand extended to me as the door opened and I took her hand. Chills and shock coursed through my veins at the same time, once again knocking me breathless, but I was getting used to the feeling.  The night air was cool, but not so cold it bothered me. I had really only wore this coat as a fashion accessory. We stood together, I did not want to leave her, even though i was tired. I could tell she did not want to leave either. My eyes tracked her face, searching for something, anything. Cadeance looked down at me, and then her eyes flickered down to my lips, paused their for a moment before she asked. 

"Sophia, may I kiss you?" 

My eyes widened and I could not speak. My heart had stopped for a moment, and my stomach was filled with butterflies. I nodded my head and Cadeance stepped forward, i leaned back against the car door without thinking and Cadeance was so close to me now, I could smell her breathe. It smelled like hot chocolate. She smelled sweet, like cherries, not the fake scent of cherries, but that real rich tone. Shock waves enveloped me, as her hands placed on my hips and she bent down, her lips a hairs breathe from mine. Then she pressed her lips to mine and it was so gentle. Like she was testing me, seeing if I would accept her, or not. I pressed back, kissing with urgency, a sudden desperation coming over me. She deepened the kiss, our tongues meeting, exploring, needing to know each other so intimately. My stomach was tight but my heart felt so good, like this was where I belonged.  After what seemed like only seconds, but was probably minutes, we parted, our foreheads pressed against each others before Cadeance backed up a step. 

I did not want to open my eyes just yet, I just wanted to feel the magic of our passionate embrace for a moment longer before stepping back into reality. Finally I lifted my eyelids and stared into Cadeance's eyes. Only something was different. Instead of the grey, that bland tone of our world. I saw steel grey eyes, kind and loving, with the barest touch of I could see in color! My mind did however catalog the fact, that everywhere else around us was still in shades of greys,blacks and whites. "Cadeance...your eyes" I gasped softly. 

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