Hot coffee and her hair.

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        "Cadence, Cadence Luchetta?" 

        My hand raised into the air and I lifted my head above the brim of my book, to glance at the teacher, before looking back down. I had just enough time during role call to read the last few pages of my book. Now, I knew I had enough pages because I'd been at this same routine, for almost three years. This starting off year number three. With some luck, this would be my year. There is an old saying, the third times the charm. Well I hope this year is my best. Well, I actually hope, my last year is my best. But I hope this year is good too. The last two years weren't bad, they were just long and maybe a little rough. 

        Today was my intro to anatomy, it was around eight o clock in the morning and the room was quiet for the most part. There was some whispering among the students, some chattering, but the room was otherwise quiet. The teacher would call names, students would holler out a 'here' or simply raise their hands in response to the teacher. The time was going to drag on, there was as many as sixty students in the room, and the list of names seemed to be endless. 

        I let out a small sigh and glanced down at my book, before shutting it. There was no use in reading, our introduction was going to begin soon. Hopefully, anyway. My eyes flicked up to the teacher , as she told everyone to get out pencil, paper, or an electronic device to take notes on. I chose to use pen and paper. I shuffled through my bag and looked for a spare blank notebook. I knew my notebook was going to have to be just for anatomy, otherwise everything was going to be jumbled. 

        A flurry of commotion caught the room's attention as a whirlwind of a girl blew through the room, almost fifteen minutes late, coffee cup in hand. I tipped my head up, and sat up in my seat to get a better look at the new comer in our class. But there was a very tall group of boys in my way. *Just move, please, a little.* I thought impatiently, before giving up and keeping one ear open, as I reached down for a pencil. I always used mechanical pencils and made sure to bring a few extra packs of lead. 

        "Who are you?" The teacher's stern gaze fell on the new comer. I didn't bother looking up, just made sure I wrote my name on the paper and was prepared for the class to begin. 

        "My name is Sophia Rosales, I'm so sorry that I'm so late, but their was a lot of traffic and I did not realize what time I needed to get up, I did not realize that there would be, you know..I didn't think of the time, I'm sor-" 

        "I don't want to hear your excuses, I'll let you off the hook, just this once, but everyone else is ready, so please take a seat." 

        Oh wow, her voice had my attention seconds into her greeting to the teacher. Sophia? What a beautiful name. I peered around the group of guys and gazed down at the girl. her features were very fine, she may have been in black and white, but she was beautiful. There was no denying that. She had a straight nose, and the end was tilted upwards slightly, her eyes were large, and framed in heavy black lashes. Her skin was a grey, so I knew it had to be darker then my pale white skin. She was a good three to four inches shorter then my height of five foot ten and a half. 

        My breath shuddered out, when I realized the only seat was right next to me. No way, she was not going to sit by me. There was not a possible reason in the universe she would. Well, besides the fact that I had the only seat left in the room. The class was filled to it's capacity. My eyes shifted to her hips for a breathe of a second. Her hips encased by fabric that skimmed over her skin, glued to her frame. They were deliciously full. I took in her body before pulling back up and watching the board. The chair next to me scraped gently against the floor and bent a little to handle her weight. 

        "Students, I want you to spend a while getting to know your partners, so open up to chapter one and start taking notes, but also try and get to know who your partner is. You'll be working with them all year long." 

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