Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It's been a little over week since my appendix burst and I was finally feeling completely better. I was told that I couldn't partake in any sports for another few weeks, but I could go about daily activities without any struggle. It took me a while to get caught up with my school work, but all the teachers had been very understanding and gave me extra time so I could keep pace with the rest of the class. I walked through the apartment lobby and sighed, it had been a long day at school and it felt good to be back at the apartment.

I ran into one of the elderly ladies who lived in the building and talked to her until the elevator opened up to her floor. After she left the elevator zipped up and landed at the penthouse. I quickly punched in the number and walking into the apartment.

"I think she's here!" A feminine voice called out as the elevator doors pinged close behind me. I curiously walked into the living room and was shocked to see Julie walking towards me with a huge grin on her face.

"Hi Ana!" She exclaimed as she came closer towards me obviously expecting a hug.

"Hi!" I greeted, wrapping my arms around her. She was once again wearing a cropped top with cutoff jeans.

"I bet you're surprised to see me here." She said as I pulled back from her.

I nodded at her dumfounded, not sure what to say.

Julie smiled at me. "Seb told me that I could use his apartment a few months ago, when I told him about a project I had in town, but he forgot to tell me that you were both were staying here now." Julie's lips pouted. "I hope you don't mind but Seb said I could just stay here for the next two weeks."

I smiled and nodded my head at her. "Of course not! It's Seb's apartment after all." I told her, even though the thought of Julie spending two weeks at the apartment left me with a feeling of uneasiness. I couldn't figure out why thought, she seemed great, and she was Brogan's sister so how bad could she be? I remember that I had initially liked her a lot when I met her, so why did I have this feeling now?

"Well I can tell this is going to be a blast!" Julie cried with excitement and then walked over to where Seb was sitting on the couch and sank down beside him. "We're watching a movie; do you want to join us?" She asked curling her legs up beneath her, the motion pushed her closer to Seb, and I almost laughed. It was inappropriately funny to see Julie sitting so close to Seb when the couch they were on was so large that it could probably fit a whole NBA team comfortably.

"No thank you, I have some homework to finish." I told her and started towards my room.

I had just finished tossing a few books onto my bed when footsteps sounded through my door.

"How was school today?" Seb asked as he walked across my room and picked up one of the textbooks from my bed.

I shrugged my shoulder at him. "It was fine, I am finally all caught up with my work." I informed him and watched as he opened and looked over a few pages of the book in his hands.

Then he slowly closed it and set it down. "I should have told you that Julie was going to be spending the next two weeks here." He told me as if I asked him for an explanation.

I glanced up at him and gave him a weak smile. "It's your place Seb, you don't need to tell me when you have other guests over." He didn't tell me when Julie and Brogan stayed at my house, so I didn't expect him to tell me when they stayed at his apartment.

His eyes narrowed at me and he took step towards me. "Other guests?" His voice dropped low as he asked that question. "You think you are a guest here?" His words came out slowly and carefully.

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