Hello! Welcome to my diary. You're very lucky to be reading my diary you know! Anyway; I have a story to tell you! So get comfortable and get the popcorn ready. You will be here for a very long time.
Chapter One
Where to begin?! Oh yes, very rude of me; I forgot to tell you my name. I am Marlie. Marlie Foster. It all started when my aunt Mable sent me off to Primrose summer camp. At the beginning, I didn't want to go go. It was only until my three best friends Aimee Wilkinson, Megan Hewlett, and Sasha Yelnats Skyped me and told me that they were all going too. We were all so excited. We all had our reason why we were all being sent off to this summer camp. Mine being my parents were going through a divorce, Megan's being her parents were on vacation, Aimee's as her grandad was in hospital, and Sasha's that it was world war three in her house.
Summer camp was the next day so we had to pack that night. The amount of bags I packed you would've thought that I had packed for the year haha! After packing my suitcases, the girls and I squeeled with excitement as we were too excited to go to Primrose summer camp. It was all sorted. We were going to meet at the bus stop at 11:30 as it was two hours away. I can remember that morning quite well. We all saw eachother, jumping up and down with happiness. By the time we had all calmed down, the bus had pulled up.