Hey Sexy Thing

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No ones pov

       It had started out like any other day in South Park. The boys met up at the bus stop like they normally did.
"Hey Stan." Kyle said as he and Kenny walked up.
"Hey guys." Stan with a small wave.
"Mea mea mea mea meeeea." Cartman mocked.
"Shut up fatass!" Kyle growled.
"Suck my balls you dumb Jew!" Cartman shot back.
"Enough!" Stan interfered, the two turned away from each other angrily. Stan sighed in frustration, when will they ever stop?
        Kenny, however, had been much more focused on something else, more like someone else. That someone was you.
       Kenny had never seen you before, or anyone like you... the only word he could think of was stunning. You had great breast, and the prettiest smile he had ever seen. You were talking to Bebe had Wendy, you were knew and they had came and talked with you.
         You pushed your (h/c) hair out of your face as you talked with your two new friends. Pretty soon Wendy wanted to introduce you to her boyfriend Stan. Kenny saw you get close and got nervous, he had never been around someone so beautiful.
"Hi Stan." Wendy said in that high pitched voice of hers,
"Hey Wendy." Stan said, noticing you standing next to her.
"Stan this is (y/n), she's new."
"Nice to meet you (y/n)." Stan politely said. You smiled at him.
"That's Kyle, Eric, and Kenny." Wendy pointed to each of them.
"*muffled* hey sexy thing." Kenny commented. You blushed heard, did he just call you sexy?

Your pov

Did he just say sexy?! Your mind was racing, even though this was the second time you had seen Kenny, you had thought he was kinda cute. You wanted to make a comment back but decided against it.

2 days earlier

You were walking in the park, when you saw a boy in an orange parka walking with a little girl. She clung to him, like if she let go he would disappear forever.
       You saw tears in her eyes as the boy tried calming her. He sad something that made her giggle, and that made you smile. Then he hugged her and they started walking away. You asked your friend Bebe to tell you who the boy was, and it was Kenny.


Kennys pov

I watched as (y/n) walked away. Her perfect figure swaying. I got on the bus with the others, taking a seat in front of Cartman. The whole ride to school I couldn't stop thinking about (y/n).

At school

"Alright class, today we have a new student joining us, (y/n) (y/l/n)." You wave as Mr. Garrison introduced you to the class.
"Hi." You shyly say. I smile at (y/n), she was clearly nervous to be in front of the whole class like that.
"Settle down you fuckin retards." Mr. Garrison told us, before (y/n) headed to her seat, wait her seat was right next to mine!
        As she sat down next to me, Cartman made a joke about her hair looking like she belonged to a orphanage, and she looked upset. I immediately felt bad.
       Once Mr. Garrison started lecturing us on dynasty, I turned to (y/n)
"*muffled* Don't feel bad, Cartman is like that to everyone." I said in an attempt to make her feel better. She smiled a little, yes.
"Thanks Kenny..." She said, "your sweet." I wasn't sure but I think I was blushing, not that anyone could tell.
"*muffled* thanks." She smiled a bit brighter, which made me smile more. Even though Mr. Garrison was teaching, all I could focus on was her.

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