Here I Come

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No ones pov

        You hadn't realized it, but you had fallen asleep. Shit! You were going to really late for school! You jumped out of bed and grabbed your bag. When you went to the bathroom to brush your hair, you noticed your black eye.
"Oh no..." you said under your breath. You had a pair of sunglasses so you decided that would have to work. So put them on, and left for school.
        Once you arrived at the bus stop, you saw Stan, Kyle, and Cartman there.
"Hey guys..." you say softly.
"Hey (y/n), what's up?" Kyle asked. You shrugged.
"*muffled* (y/n)?" You turned around and saw Kenny behind you. You froze, thinking about yesterday. You suddenly felt embarrassed, wanting to disappear.
"Hey Kenny!" You smile, hiding your emotions. He looks at you strangely, then moves closer to you.
"*muffled* I need to talk to you." He whispers, not loud enough so that the others could hear thought. You get nervous and look away.
"Hey Kenny." Stan said.
"*muffled* hey guys." He talked to them, but his real focus was on you.
      You got on the bus and into your class room. Everyone was a bit rowdy.
"Class! Shut the fuck up!" Mr. Garrison shouted. Everyone got quiet. Kenny turned to you and whispered,
"*muffled* are you ok?" You gave a fake smile and nodded.
"I'm fine." You say. How was it that Kenny could see through you so well?
"*muffled* are you sure? Why are
You wearing sunglasses?" He asked.
"Because I like them." You hoped he wouldn't realized you lied. He gave a worried look, but then turned his attention to Mr. Garrison. You sighed and did the same.

After school.

       You were walking home and decided to get some coffee, you needed an extra boost today.
       You walked in and a blond haired twitchy boy came up to you.
"Hello! Gah!"  He said. "What would you AHH! like!?" He asked.
"Oh just a regular coffee with sugar."
"Ahh! Ok- pressure! To much!" He grabbed his hair like he was going to pull it out.
"No no! It's ok." He looked at you worried.
"I'll be, GAH! Right back!" He left with an eye twitch, then was gone.

Your pov

          He came back a little later with my drink.
"Ahh! H-here!" He handed it to me. I smiled.
"Thanks... hey, what's your name?"
"Tweek! What's yours?!"
"(Y/n), nice to meet you Tweek." You say, then pick up your coffee to go. "Bye Tweek."
"Bye!!" Then you left.

Kennys pov

       I couldn't stop thinking about (y/n), I knew she only had those sunglasses on to hide a black eye. I needed to go talk to her, maybe she wasn't at home yet, I needed to catch her.
         I figured that if I went the way she normally goes home, I might be able to see her, so I hurried, and soon enough I saw her walking to her house with some coffee. Her (h/l) (h/c) blew in the wind, her free hand clung to the inside of her pocket. Her other gloved hand held her coffee. I ran to her.
"(Y/n)!" I said, she turned and looked a bit worried.
"K-Kenny! H-hi!"
"We need to talk." I said a bit serious.

Your pov

"Oh, why?" I tried to act casual, but was feeling panicked.
"What happened after you left yesterday?"
"Nothing." He removed his hood.
"That's not true."
"Uhhh..." he took my hand and held it.
"Tell me."
"Fine..." I slowly took off my sunglasses, reveling my black eye from my father. He sighed sadly and pulled me in for a hug.
        After we pulled apart Kenny asked,
"Do you need anything? Anything?" I thought for a moment, the shook my head. "You sure?" I nodded once more. "Then at least let me walk you home?"
"Ok." I said.
          The walk was silent, until we got to my door.
"Well... bye Kenny..." I said shyly.
"Bye (Y/n)..."
Kenny's pov

        I watched (Y/n) go into her house, after she went in a I started walking away.
       I was on the side walk, right when I heard this coming from (Y/n)'s house.
"where they hell were you?!?!?!"
"No where! Just stopped for coffee!"
"Get out of my sight!!!"
"Get away from her Dan!!!"
"Shut up bitch!"
*another slap and more crying*
         I wanted to go in there and beat the fuck out of that guy, but I couldn't... yet... I had a plan.
         Once I got home I ran to my closet, reveling a masked, dark colored costume. I have to help (Y/n).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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