Your Secret

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Your pov
After school

        I was heading to my locker when I noticed Kenny waiting there. He held something behind his back, I wondered what it was...
"*muffled* (y/n)!" He greeted.
"What's up? What's behind your back?" I ask. He looked a tiny nervous.
"*muffled* I have something for you..."
"For me?" I questioned. He nodded and reveled a very pretty bouquet of flowers, some were bright like Daisy's and others looked like roses, he had clearly hand picked them. You gasp as he hands them to you. "Kenny, they're beautiful."
"*muffled* anything for you." He says shyly.

No ones pov

After Kenny gave you the flowers, you and him made plans to meet up after school to work on your project.
"Hey poor kids." Cartman said walking up to you both. You looked at Kenny, looked very annoyed.
"*muffled* fuck you." Kenny said. You laughed at Cartman after that, he looked very mad. Then Kyle and Stan walked over to you.
"Come on fatass, were going to my house to get this dumb project done." Kyle said.
"I'm not fat! I'm big boned!"
"Whatever, let's go. See ya Stan, bye Kenny."
"Bye Kyle."
"*muffled* bye." Cartman mumbled something under his breath before leaving with Kyle. Stan walked away to go with Wendy, after that, you left, so did Kenny.
        You both decided to meet at the bus stop around 5:00 pm, until then you, Wendy and Bebe were going to be at Bebe's hanging out.

At Bebe's

"So (y/n), who do you like?" Wendy asked. You blushed and her and Bebe giggled.
"Who?" Bebe needed to know.
"It's... Kenny." You said blushing. The two girls squealed.
"Stan told me he likes you too!" Wendy said. You blushed madly.
"He does?"
"Yes, I heard that too." Bebe added.
"Bebe look! (Y/n)'s blushing!" You couldn't help it.
"Wait! I'm going over to Kenny's tonight!" You said. The two girls gasp.
"Tell him you like him!" Wendy told you.
"Yeah, then you and Kenny can date!"
"He gave me flowers today."
"He SO likes you! Just tell him! that's how me and Stan got together."
"Your right Wendy... I'm gonna tell Kenny." Wendy and Bebe cheered. You smiled even though you were really nervous.

At the bus stop
Kenny pov

     I waited for (y/n) at the bus stop, I came a little early, and I couldn't wait to see her.
        Soon I saw her walking up. I waited for her to get closer, then went up to her.
"*muffled* hi (y/n)!"
"Kenny!" Without thinking I pulled her in and hugged her. She hesitated, but hugged back, probably a little surprised that I had hugged her. Then I pulled back and took her hand, leading her to my house.
        Once we got there, I hoped my family wasn't going to act weird, but we would just go into my room (; hehe
     I opened the door, and my sister, Karen, came running up to me.
"Kenny! Mommy and daddy are fighting again!" She cried, clinging to my arm, holding her doll. I looked over at (y/n), she looked a little worried.

Your pov

      I looked at Kenny, I was a little worried. I heard screaming from the other room.
"YOUR BOTH DRUNK BEAT BASTARDS!" Kenny told his sister to stay with me. She buried her face in my leg. Kenny gave me a look that said, 'I got this' and he moved to the other room.
"It's ok..." I whispered to Kennys sister, "it's ok..." I also stroked her messy brown hair, feeling bad for her.

Your flashback

       You were little, about Karen's age, when this happened. You were home, and your mom and dad had been gone somewhere all day. You are poor, and lived in a place like Kenny. Your dad came home, and so did your mom, but your dad was drunk.
     You sat in the couch, you just sold your tv, and now all you had was your notebook, in which you wrote story's in. Anyways, your dad and mom came in, screaming at each other. You felt tears escaping, you hated yelling, but could never get away from it. You stood up and ran to your room, holding your notebook with you.  You could still hear the loud screams all the way up in your room. Then you heard a loud thud, and soft crying that wasn't your own. It was your moms.
"Don't you ever talk to me like that again you bitch!!!!!" He screamed. You hid under your bed when you heard the loud footsteps of your dad make their way up the stairs.
        You were trying not to cry so hard, but screamed when your door burst open, which gave away your hiding spot. You wanted to escape, so you tried writing something, but didn't get much done, because he yanked you from under the bed to face him. He hit you hard. You screamed and fell limp, sobbing. He knocked over a lamp and stormed off, going back to scream at your mom. You knew this wasn't the first time this would happen, and you knew it wasn't the last

Your pov

     His sister continued to hug me, and I hugged her back tighter, hoping Kennys parents weren't like yours. The awful memory's came, and the fear of what was going to happen when you got home. I heard Kenny yelling something, but tried to drown it out.
     Soon all the yelling stopped. I heard normal talking, Kenny came out and his sister ran over to him. He hugged her and said that everything was ok. She let go of Kenny and wandered off with her doll. Kenny then walked up to me.
"*muffled* sorry about that..."
"It's ok." Kenny smiled and showed you to his room, I could tell it was slightly cleaner then the rest of the house, he probably cleaned it before I came over.

Kennys pov

      (Y/n) sat on the bed and I followed her. I got a little lost looking at her, but then realized she looked close to tears. I quickly scooted over to her.
"*muffled* what's wrong?" I asked her. She shook her head.
"I'm fine, Kenny." She said, faking a smile, but I knew she wasn't ok.
"*muffled* please tell me." I placed my hand on hers, maybe that would help.
"I just... I wish I had a brother like you. Your so sweet and caring, and I've never had anyone like that in my life..." I saw a tear escape from her eye, she was desperately trying not to cry. So without warning I kissed her, for a long time. When I finally pulled back she looked shocked. I laughed a little, then pulled off my hood. She smiled at me. I smiled back.
"Thank you for being so nice to me Kenny." She said. Her smile turned sadder. I was about to say something, but she interrupted me. "I, I like you Kenny." I grinned madly. I leaned in and kissed her again. She kissed back. But then I felt my cheek get wet, and leaned back quickly.
"What's wrong?!" I asked worried. She turned away. Did I do something wrong? She didn't reply, so I moved to face her.
"I'm sorry..." she said.
"Because, I'm..."
"I'm crying and... I just am sad..."
"I just... *tells him about your home life*"

No ones pov

       After you told Kenny about your life, you started crying again, and Kenny held you in his arms. You then showed him bruises and how you didn't want to go home, and Kenny understood. One of the few people who did, and you liked that, you really liked Kenny.
"Thank you for understanding..." you said, Kenny looked at you, then kissed you hard, crushing your lips with his, he trailed his hands up and down your torsos, finally landing on your breast, groping you as he pushed you on your back. You moaned, and ran your fingers through his messy blond hair.

Yay hehehe

Behind His Hood (Kenny x Reader) LemonWhere stories live. Discover now