I'll admit...

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The appetisingly small rolls of plain white rice and lavishly salty seaweed - each filled with their own delectable fillings - eventually arrived on a plainly embroidered tray which was cradled in the arms of a prim waitress, whom swiftly abandoned the stuff upon their table and dashed away like a deer caught in headlights.
"Oh, wow.." Phoenix breathed in awe with, to Miles's surprise, no hint of sarcasm whatsoever.
"You're really that flabbergasted by sushi?"
"Yes, sir! Look at the way they arranged it into rows so neatly, and the way they bundled the fillings in an assortment of harmonious colours... It's so pretty.."
"Even now you use your fancy art terms to describe food.. You never fail to amaze me," Edgeworth stated with a chuckle, symbolising the beginning of their meal as the two of them laughed away into the night, hurling all sorts of jokes and stories at each other without a care in the world. Within five minutes, even Miles began to lose track of time and his own common sense, completely swept away onto the magical, rocky, island that was Phoenix Wright, too far away from anywhere else to be able to see the mainland, and too stunningly gorgeous to care about anywhere else.

He never wanted to leave that island.

That's why, when their evening was beginning to draw to a close and the other customers were all starting to take their individual exits, the prosecutor-to-be knew that he didn't have much time left to announce his verdict on his best-friend; his dearest, dearest, best-friend whom he couldn't imagine a life without. Whilst Phoenix was struggling to pick up another piece of the food with a pair of dark green chopsticks in order to consume it, Miles decided to speak up - for good;
"Hm?" The spiky-haired boy glanced back at Edgeworth with a confused expression dancing in his eyes, caught off-guard.
"I've been thinking about something for a while now - and it's about you."
"M-Me?" His cute stutter came back to haunt his voice as the silvery-haired boy closed his eyes briefly, his lips moving of their own accord, forming a warm smile.
"Yes, you. How long have we known each other now? Twelve years?"
"I-I think it's been fourteen.." Phoenix chuckled softly, unsure of where the conversation was going.
"Oh, right. Fourteen. Of course," Miles's tongue brushed over the back of his smooth, enamelled, teeth in order to build up the courage he needed to continue as he opened his eyes again, taking in the fantastic sight before him and feasting on it.
"It's been a very long time, and I have had more than enough time to make up my mind about this."
"A-About what?" Phoenix's hands were beginning to become clammy, sweat running down his palms in rivulets, as he warily eyed Edgeworth, a strand of silky, black hair minimally obscuring his vision.
"What I'm about to say may affect the rest of our friendship, and I understand that you may not want to know me any longer once this has left my lips,"
"E-Enough with the fancy words! Y-You're scaring me..." The defence-attorney-to-be innocently protested, his shoulders rigid with anticipation and a tingling sensation of fear;
"Alright, then. Phoenix Wright..."

Then there was a pause.

"Phoenix Wright, I love you." The words came gushing out of Miles's lips like a waterfall, raging and unlikely to ever be able to be stopped until they reached the spiky-haired boy's ears. Phoenix blinked blankly, unable to register what he'd just heard. The world had frozen around him, and his muscles suddenly felt like lead;
"What did you just say,"
"I love you." Edgeworth repeated, frantically scanning his best-friend's face for any sort of indication of a response.

There was none.

"M-Miles..." The defence-attorney-to-be's shoulders shook uncontrollably all of a sudden, a single tear streaming down his cheek and enveloping the dim light above them, encasing it within its liquid confines as the man who bore it dropped the slender chopsticks he had in his hand, any hint of his previous happy emotions wiped from his face.
"T-Take it back.." Phoenix's hoarse voice shattered the silence, his eyes wide with fear and spilling fountains of salty liquid.
"Phoenix, you know I can't do that." Miles bit his lip, beginning to regret his decision.

Of course the spiky-haired boy didn't love him.

Silly, silly boy.

You should have listened.

"You'll find yourself the perfect woman and then leave this house - for good. You'll follow in my steps and become a real Von Karma - a perfect prosecutor."

But, if that was the case, wasn't a perfect prosecutor a robot?

His best-friend (if they were even that anymore) broke his train of thought once again;
"P-Please tell me this was a joke... Tell me you didn't mean it..."

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