Like him? What?

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I laughed as me and Blake joked around. When I got to my class with two minutes for Blake to get to his class I felt bad because he was probably gonna be late. "Okay thanks for walking me to my class" I said happily. "Do big deal" he reassured me. He have me one last hug and I inhaled his cologne . "Sorry you will probably be late" I said as we let go. "I'm always like 2 minutes late to that class anyway " he shrugged. " I giggled and walked into class.

I sat down and the bell rang, I still felt bad. My best friend Gabby staring at me in disbelieve "sooo you and Blake huh? " she waggled her eye brows. I giggled "no, he was just being nice to me" I shrugged. "Really malissa? he doesn't walk girls to their classes or hugs them" she said raising a brow. I smiled "really?" I asked feeling special. "Ya " she said laughing at me. "He gives awesome hugs" I said. "oh my malissa, do you like him??" She asked. "Gabby seriously I have had a crush on him since like 3rd grade." I said . She smirked "I knew it" she said proud of herself. "I was over here about to burst because you guys are adorable together!" she whisper yelled. I laughed as he babbled on about him. Do I still like him? I thought? Or do I only feel this way because he is attractive?

🎀🎀 6th period 🎀🎀

I laughed at Kalum and how he was laying on the art room floor getting squirted by water bottles. I was laughing so hard that I earned a few glares from mrs.spencer. which made me laugh more. Kalum was my only guy friend. because I get so nervous around guys. And he has a very sick sense of humor. The bell rang and I put my bin back and slung my backpack over my shoulder. And waved goodbye.

I caught up with miki and was walking with her to math. Miki stopped to hug one of her friends and I walked slower and saw Blake . I smiled and waved. he smiled. When he smiled I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. He stopped and gave me a bone crushing hug. I giggled "hey ugh Blake you give amazing hugs but I need air" I joked. he chuckled "okay see ya tomorrow liss" he called over his shoulder. I felt miki nudge my shoulder. Pulling my attention away from Blake. "Huggin are we now" she joked. I blushed a bit at her comment. I scoffed " he's not that hot" I lied. she smirked "okay malissa whatever you say" she said sarcastically.

💋💋 bus ride🚍💋

I was talking to Shelby and in the middle of my sentence "talk dirty" came on and I turned to ally behind me and we belted out "big booty don't need explainin!!!!" And we where all dancing wildly on the bus and when we got to our stop it was the end of the song we where laughing like mad woman. Oh did I forget to mention that when I rode this bus I rode it with Blake. He always sat in the front while I sat in the middle. When I got to him since I was the last one off the bus he had time to say bye. "Get off at my stop? And I can walk you home?" he asked with hope shining in his eyes. "ya sure" I said looking at my friends with my "I'm sorry face" on. I sat next to Blake and he grinned his sexy grin. wait hold up? did I just say sexy!? what is goin on with me?!? we soon pulled up at his stop and we walked out together. "Hey Liss I wanted to say sorry for being an ass for- well as long as we'v known each other" he chuckled a bit at the end and so did I. "it's okay I was quite the bitch to you too so I guess we'r even" I giggled. "so where do we go?" he said looking confused. I smiled "I'll lead the way, don't worry ur pretty little head" I joked, well sorta. he laughed "hey! my head isn't little!" he joked with a slight Irish accent that I liked,we joked and had a nice conversation. it was nice to talk to him it calmed me. why?! I don't know.. When we got to my house I realized my parents weren't home. I sighed. "okay liss I'll see you tomorrow " he said as he gave me a big hug. I never wanted to let go. We pulled back "do you want somethin to drink? Because my parents aren't home." I said gesturing to the Door . "ya why not ?" He said shrugging. we walked inside and into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and filled it with ice and water while I got out peanut butter bread, and jam. I started making my sandwich, "want one?" I said smirking. "ya!" he said excited. i giggled and got two more pieces of bread . I felt peanut butter spread across my nose. I gasped and looked up at him. I smiled and threw a jam covered piece of bread at his face. he got a playful glint in his blue eyes and took the bread with peanut butter on it and wiped it down my face. and soon we were in a full on food fight. soon i was running from him with peanut butter and god knows what on my face and well all over me. I sped up the stairs and bolted to my room and into my big closet. I heard him chuckle and walk around my room. "you can run but you can't hide" he taunted in a creepy voice. I accidentally let a giggle escape my mouth and he turned towards the closet smiling. before he could do a thing I ran out and tackled him. we where on my bed and I was on top of him. I blushed and looked down. he cupped my cheek in his larger hand and looked into my eyes. he leaned in closer and stopped half way not sure. I leaned in the rest of the way closing the space. I ran my hands through his hair which yes was soft.

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