Chapter 17

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. "hey honey what's wrong?" my mom asked me a I passed her in the hall. "I-I I found something out today. and I'm afraid of it" I sobbed. She pulled me into a hug pulling me in my room. "shhh liss, okay why are you scared?" she asked holding my face. "you hating me" I said looking down. "I would never hate you" she cooed. "What's is it liss?" She pushed on.

"I-I I'm ugh pregnant" I mumbled looking up tears rolling down my cheeks ashamed. her face was shocked. She opened her mouth a few times to say something but closed it. "I thought you knew better!" she exclaimed. I knew she wouldn't tell me to get an abortion because she thought that was sick, but I was still worried about what she though of me. "I know mom I know" I said shaking a crying. she enveloped me in a hug rocking me. "I knew I shouldn't of let you have a boy here" she scolded. I sat up abruptly. "mom don't blame this on Blake. it takes two people to get pregnant, it's just as much my fault." I explained. she shook her head. "I know.." she sighed. we sat there in silence, until she shifted in her spot and spoke up. "your giving the baby up for adoption right?" she assumed. I scrunched my eye brows together "no. I'm not. I can't just give my baby away, and never see them again" I spoke stubbornly. she whipped around to look at me, "then what are you gonna do then? huh cus we sure aren't supporting you and this baby" she sneered. I was shocked my her cold response, "mom I wasn't counting on it. Me and Blake can take care of the baby. we both have jobs, and have more than enough money saved up" I snapped. she scoffed "oh okay, Ppssshh I can't believe I raised a daughter like this!" she raised her voice. I gasped "like what?! are you calling me a slut?" I asked louder. "you said it" she shouted freaking out. "look mom I was a virgin till that night so you can shut the hell up!" I said quieter. she just stood there not looking at me, like I wasn't there. "fine mom me and Blake will raise this baby, and it won't get the see it's grandparents! oh well I'm just gonna leave!" I shouted grabbing a bag and packing clothes. I don't even know what I'm doing. I zipped up my bag and went to get a new one when I heard a sob from the other side of my room. I tuned around to see my mom crying with her head in her hands. tears continually ran down my face, "don't go baby girl!" she wailed. "I love you" she continued. I walked to her and wrapped her in a hug, "I'm sorry mom, I love you too" I cooed.

Soon we where all calmed down and sitting on my bed.

"I love you liss, and I'm sorry I said that. I will support you as much as I can" she said looking down. I hugged her again "it's okay mom I dint want to stress you" I said simply. "we will figure this out. hmm did you tell blake?" she asked. I nodded, " thats where I just came from." she nodded back, "okay what did he say?" She pushed. "he said that yes it was early but that he will love me and our baby" I said blushing, being proud of my boyfriend. "well That is wonderful" she cheered. "now I'm gonna go tell dad, I don't want him to react badly" she explained stepping out of my room. I sighed and kicked off my shoes, pulling on a sweatshirt and shorts. I laid down and closed my eyes, I just don't sleep as well without Blake. I rubbed my tummy, and smiled. it's gonna be alright.. then I closed my eyes falling asleep.


I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. "wwwhhaaat?" I mumbled. "honey we are leaving to go shopping for the day and I just wanted to check on you" I heard my mom voice. i sat up rubbing my eyes still half asleep, "yea I'm great. I love you too". then I saw her heading to the door. "bye be back tonight, because we are going out after words." she said over her shoulder. honestly I liked that my parents went out a lot, because then I get the house to myself and do pretty much What I want. "okay " I answered groggily.

Soon I heard the car start then speed off.

I got up and ready in my comfy clothes when I got an idea, do the pregnant transformation pictures! I walked over to my phone and entered the camera, snapping a picture in my full length mirror. I was was laying down editing the picture when I heard a knock at the door. I skipped down stairs and swung the door open to reveal a tired looking Blake. don't get me wrong he still looked like a god. I wrapped him in a warm hug, and he ran is finger tips along my back as usual giving me shivers. I smiled ear to ear, "what are you doing here my leprechaun?" I asked. he smiled as well, "here to see my princess" He said holding me by the hips our noses touching. "well then come cuddle" I whined pulling him inside and up to my room.

we laid there my head sitting in his hard chest, and his arms wrapped around me one hand laying on my tummy. and his chin on my head. "I hope our baby looks like you" I said randomly as harry potter comes on. "no I hope it looks like ye" he said chuckling. I raised my eye brow, " Nuh uh. I hope our baby is like you and has a naturally amazing figure, and perfect face" I said sighing. he scoffed "no no no, it should be like you, i already know it will be the most beautiful baby, because we're the parents. not to toot my own horn" he chuckled. "toot toot!" I giggled. he laughed with me, "so what names do you like, I mean I know it's early" he asked. "um I for boys I like hunter or luke. for girls I like Denise or bell" I said. he smiled "I like Denise and bell" he rubbed my belly even though it hadn't even grown. "how about you?" I asked wandering. "Blaine, or Lee for boys, and I like your choices for girls" he said smiling bigger.

"Blaine lee Peterson, and Denise bell Peterson?" I asked snugging closer. he rubbed my belly, "perfect, but how did you come up with those names?" he asked almost asleep now. "my moms middle name is Denise and my grandmas middle name is bell" I said dozing off. "beautiful"

"Blake do you really want to do this? cus I mean now we are stuck together, I mean do you even love me anymore? now that I'm gonna have a baby, well that's not attractive.. and if we split up then our baby will have a tough life, and I don't want that. I wanted a big family! but now it will be harder and oh-" he cut my pointless worried rambling off with a kiss.

He looked into my eyes " liss I knew I was gonna marry you when you said you where pregnant. not because I was worried about not being a good dad but because I love you. and yes I love you so much, I was probably gonna end up marrying you any ways. and It's attractive when I know it's my baby in there. also we won't split up, we love each other to much, and we can have a big family if you want. actually I would like that. I mean once we are older." he gave what felt like a speech. my heard swelled and my eyes watered, "I love you Blake, thank you baby daddy" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek and I hugged him.

"I love you too baby momma" he mumbled into my hair. And with that we fell asleep.

Okay so don't think I'm a creep and I'm writing this about someone, bc I'm not. I mean I started to but now I made up a whole new character and I'm just writing what comes to mind. okay.. tank uuuu


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