Chapter One

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I know I said I would only post after six votes, but I can't wait any longer!! I've had this story since I was like... fourteen and I'm so so so excited to post it! I hope you like it! Vote and comment please!!

Chapter One

"Katy! Hurry up, get your asses outside!" Lena ran out of the library, where we were hanging out after school, and out the main doors. Jacob, Jeffrey, Bradley and I bolted out after her, because one thing was for sure - when Lena starts cursing, something is seriously wrong.

"Oh hell," Brad stated, staring out at the parking lot. I peered over his shoulder. Eggs. Everywhere. They covered our windshields and windows and taillights. I felt particularly bad for Jacob, who had left his window halfway down, and whose car was perpetually going to stink of rotting eggs.

"This means war, you know that right?" Brad said, looking pointedly at me, since I was usually the only senior who didn't advocate this lifelong musical rivalry.

"Wasn't it already war?" I sighed, and Lena glared at one of the passing Band dweebs - Sam. He grinned at us, his shaggy blond hair flopping over his forehead as he walked.

"Have fun getting to dorkestra practice tomorrow, losers!" he called, heading over to his decent, un-egged, Honda Civic.

"Go to hell!" Jeffrey called back, flipping him off. Sam just laughed.

"We have to retaliate! Fight back! Hit 'em where it hurts!" Brad continued, and I rolled my eyes.

"Right in the reeds." I hated this dumb rivalry, but I was a Senior, so it was my job to lead it, no matter my personal opinions. The job was passed on from the graduating Seniors to the Rising ones in each respective group to keep the rivalry alive, and make sure there was a constant fire lit under the others' ass.

"We gave your whole 'laying low, no attacks' strategy a chance, Katy, but now it's time to fight back," Brad said, loud and proud. You'd think this was a real war, not just a Civil War within Ritchview High, school for the performing arts. It was ridiculous.

"What's the plan guys?" asked Jacob, opening the door to his car, trying to air it out. I spotted Rayna and Declan coming out of the school after Jazz Band and they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw us. A smirk crept onto Rayna's face, but Declan swallowed past a lump in his throat. It went down the peachy skin of his throat, and his hand came up, pulling through his thick black hair. Rayna looked around for an escape, her thin blond ponytail whipping back and forth.

Brad and Lena caught sight of them, and I saw Brad clench his fists.

"Brad, don't" Jeffrey and I said at the same time, and I grabbed his arm. His nostrils flared.

"They're not worth it," I said quietly, and he was about to back off when Rayna opened her big mouth.

"Come and get us losers!" she yelled, and from behind her Clay and Mara came out of the building, the four of them sprinting down the block.

"Shit!" yelled Jacob, and then, in order for the natural order of things to continue, we chased after them, Bradley at the front, and me picking up the rear. It wasn't that I was slow, or out of shape or in the wrong shoes, don't get me wrong, I love running - I used to go with my dad early morning. I just didn't love this. A battle not worth fighting. I didn't have it in me, picking a fight was never in my blood. That's why I usually let Bradley lead - a born fighter if there ever was one. So, I didn't try and catch the band kids, even though I knew I could easily outrun them, because I wouldn't know what to do when I caught them. I'd, what? Tackle Rayna to the ground and threaten her? I couldn't do that! It'd seem like a compliment, coming from me.

Brad knew exactly what to do, so when he grabbed Clay by his broad shoulders and managed to get his clarinet playing ass to the concrete, he looked intimidated. Lena was pretty good at this too, or so I thought as she let out a cry and latched onto Rayna's back, the two of them collapsing onto the pavement. I knew I was supposed to go after Mara, but I lacked motivation. Apparently, so did Declan, as he lifted his palms in surrender. Jacob tackled him to the ground, and I shrieked.

"Jacob!! Get off him!" He saw the serious look in my eyes and clambered off Declan.

"This isn't over," Jacob fired at Declan who was propped up on his elbows, red and panting.

"Never," he shot back as Jacob and Jeffrey watched laughing as Lena took off after Mara.

"You alright?" I asked, and Declan nodded, his breath coming in short bursts.

"Why are you helping me?" he asked, skeptically, eyeing me warily. I lifted a shoulder in response.

"Because you surrendered. No use fighting a winning battle." I'm sure that made no sense, but Declan gave me a genuine smile nonetheless. "Quit smiling," I snapped, hiding my own grin, "they might think you're fraternizing with the enemy."

Declan's face dropped to one of mock seriousness, his dimples disappearing.

"So what's the plan Miss Sherwood? Threats? Chains and whips? Japanese water torture?" I couldn't contain my grin any longer, and I let out a poorly concealed laugh. I extended my hand to Declan, and pulled him up when his long, slim fingers curled around mine.

"None of the above, Mr. Burns, unless of course you have a preference?" He pretended to consider this while he dusted himself off. I slid my hands into my back pockets and watched as Bradley finished threatening Clay and started towards me. He glared at Declan and slung an arm around my shoulders.

"You teach this guy a lesson yet, Kitty-Kat?" I hated that nickname, and I elbowed him in the ribs as I shrugged his arm off me.

"Yes," I stated, just as Declan opened his mouth to object. The stern look I gave him shut him up. His pale yellow-green eyes smiled at me.

"Good, let's go. I think we should hit the car wash." He steered me away from Declan, the rest of our group following behind us.

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