The beginning

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    Ihate capital letters. I feel unorganized, and messy. I feel like it's unfair tothe other letters that one letter is capitalized, I mean I don't see how acapitalized 'I' changes how we pronounce things, or the meaning. Anyways, tofinish what I started about love. I don't fall in love slowly, and gradually.When I fall in love I trip head over heels. That there is my first problem. I'mnot one to complain but the first thing that makes me want someone is theirappearance. You don't have to be perfect but if I get to know your personalityit should make me look at you and see all your perfections more advanced and indepth than I did before. That's usually what happens. Let's start with, Jirafa.He's 6'6 and he has light brown curlyish hair that has a slight tint of blondewhen it's summer. His eyes are a light blue, but can look teal in the dark. Hehas the self-esteem the size of a grape, or maybe a grain of sand. I don't knowwhat happened to him while I left him for 3 months because he is the mostextravagant person I think I've ever laid my eyes upon. I believe he knows he'sgood looking, but he never lets anyone believe that, but believing he knowsthat isn't good enough for me, I have to make sure he knows, I have to tell himwhenever I get the chance, because to me... he is perfect. There are many thingsabout Jirafa that I could tell you and it would make you love him more, but Idon't want to share him right now, so those things will have to wait. Let'sstart at the beginning of it all. March 16th. Yes, I remember thedate, I'm sure he did too. I had a boyfriend at the time, his name will remain"Rat". I'm not even kidding, you guys what so ever cannot expect there to beanymore connection with him after he made fun of a disabled kid, and cheated onme. There hopefully is no more connection in the future with him. Ever. Rat, got his phone taken around 6pm becausehis grades were low, and his parents decided they should just take it away andmake him learn. I am happy they did because if they hadn't I wouldn't be typingwhat I am right now. There was this dude Rat kept pestering me about, becausehe kept requesting to follow me. "Decline it, he tries to copy me, he's soannoying." I did. Of course, but after 6pm I got a follow request again andthis is where I laid my eyes upon Jirafa. I had just accepted him, and a coupledays go by. I see him liking some of my posts after Rat went to sleep onenight, and it occurred to me, a thought... "I am so bored, Rat's gone. Ugh! Thisdude keeps liking my photos, I'll just post my bare legs and my number." He commented. "Cocoa butter" and then deletedhis comment as soon as possible. You thought Jirafa, you thought. He then commentshis number, and that's when everything seemed to shift. The beginning of our conversation consisted ofa lot of long paragraphs about crazy attention seeking ex's, whom werecontrolling and would threaten their life if you left them—apparently he hadjust went through that. Somehow, our conversation wondered off onto "The worststutterer ever" on YouTube, and from there I loosened up and became morecomfortable sharing my ability to send multiple texts, all at once. The thoughtof Rat, uttered away from my brain. I don't think I mentioned this at all butthis was a school night, the conversation lasted for approximately andconstantly all night. I got one hour of sleep I remember, I was trying to stayafter but I ended up going. You on the other hand you did not. A couple weekspast by, and my feelings are growing. My best friend, dated your best friend at the moment.

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