Malfoy Manor

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"Look Sarah I've always loved you and I always thought we belonged togeth----"

                                                                                                                                                                "Malfoy, but we've only just started going out, how are you sure we are right for each other."

He moved closer and almost had his lips on hers,

"Sarah I can sense it, that's why we were chosen by the Dark Lord. Plus everyone knows we are mean't to be and together we could build an army so strong only Dark Magic would exist."

"But Malfoy" said Sarah "You know I've always hated Dark Magic, it possesses you and your not yourself. I felt different when performing dark magic."

"How, how did you feel different" said Malfoy.

"I just did but that doesn't mat-------." 

                                                                           "Look Sarah I have something to tell you," said Malfoy "Scorpious isn't Astoria Greengrass son. He is yours."

Sarah Gasped and she was holding her mouth from falling.

"But Malfoy how could that be possible. I mean------"

                                                                                                          Malfoy put his finger against her mouth and told her to shh. He then got and his knees and said " Sarah Elizabeth Gaunt, will you marry me."

"Oh Malfoy what should I say. Well of course I will" She jumped high, then suddenly fell to the ground.

"Malfoy there is also something I need to own up to" said Sarag and then saw the expression on his face  "I'm pregnant with your daughter and I'm due in 3 weeks. " Malfoy's face went red full of excitement. Was this the heir of the Dark Lord he thought in his head or was Scorpius the heir.

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