The Realisation

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Chapter 1

Elena looked into Stefan's eyes and felt like she was about to cry. "I'm sorry" she sobbed as she watched his eyes turn black and pain filled them. She knew now she had to find Damon. He had to know. "Damon, I love you" Elena blurted out to Damon, she knew Stefan could hear her and that pained her through the core. Damon moved slowly towards her and leaned toward, then kissed her. She then realised that she had just made the one decision that would change everything.

'Dear Diary, it's the day after I chose Damon and I have realised it was the worst choice I have ever made. I ran Stefan five times since this morning, he isn't picking up. I haven't talked to Damon since the kiss. I love him but in a different way to loving Stefan. Damon and me was all about the lust but lust fades. What me and Stefan have will never fade. It is love. It is eternal. And eternity is a long time for a vampire.'

She looked up at Damon. He knew what she was about to say. Damon stared into her nervous, pained eyes. "Damon..." elena started. "Don't Elena, I know what your going to say. You love him. You always have and I know that."

Elena cried "Damon, I love you too. But he is the love of my life. Your everything to me. But I need you to understand and not hate me"

"No one could ever hate you, Elena. Your the kindest girl in the world. I love you like I loved Katherine." Damon stopped himself. Katherine was all he could think about lately.

"Elena, i can't stay here with you knowing you don't love me" Just like that Damon was gone. He ran like he had never ran before.

Elena let the tears fall down her face. She felt them make them way down her cheeks and fall onto her shirt. "Stefan!" she cried out wanting him to wrap his arms around her.

Stefan woke up, sinking, sinking. He couldn't breath. Water ran into his throat as he gasped for air. He felt his eyes rolled back and at once everything went black. He went back into the abyss and waited for someone to save him.

College. Elena thought to herself. Going to college all alone. Without Stefan. Without Damon. Without Caroline and Bonnie. Stefan wasn't picking up her phone still. She wanted to find him. She would do anything to find him. Damon hadn't called or visited since he ran away, he was angry, he had a right to be. But she wasn't sorry, she loved Stefan. She wanted him home with her. Caroline was off with Klaus. He was taking her on an adventure. Caroline was in love and Elena couldn't be more happy for her. They were in Paris at the moment, Caroline had postponed her college to spend time with Klaus which her mum was not pleased with. Bonnie had gone away with Jeremy to England after she was brought back to life. They were exploring. Having a blast. The opposite of what Elena was doing. College. Going all alone.

Elena rang Stefan for the hundred time. It went straight to voicemail again. Like he is out of range. Out of her range. She just wanted him to hug her. To tell her it was all going to be okay. She was lonely and needed Stefan.

Elena tossed and turned that night. She was dreaming of Stefan. No, it wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare. Stefan was burning, dying, leaving her alone. In front of a pub, she had never seen before. A dream, that's all it was. Elena awoke suddenly as she heard a voice, so familiar, shout her name. "Katherine".

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