Ch.2 Releasing My Emotions

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*Bo pov*
"This place is super scary Bo are you sure we're in the right place?"

"It is, I had Bo type the location three separate times into his phone to make sure he didn't have any typos. This it it."

"Why do doctors and dentists always choose spooky places to work? It smells scary too."

"That little one, is the smell of death."

"What! I thought Bo said we arent gonna die!"

Bo heard faint sniffles and whimpers come from Right brain and sighed before saying, "Calm down, left is just messing with you. I won't let anyone harm either of you. Now both of you, quiet so I can concentrate on finding the right door."
He walked through the long hallway until he finally reached the right door.
"Here we are, room A113. I hope this works"

"Heya Mr. Burnham!"

"Hello Dr. Patrick."

"Please, call me Matt! So, this is quite the interesting dilemma you have here. Self aware and conflicting left and right brains. Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this procedure? This is very strenuous on the body and is irreversible. Once they are out and completely in a human form, they will age and get sick and will have their own lives. It's possible they can die before you, or years later and will be very dependent on you in the beginning."

"They're going to form as babies or something?" Bo said in alarm.

"No they will appear to be the same age as yourself but will need to learn how to take proper care of a human body. They'll have to learn things like walking, eating, using the restroom, things of that nature."

"We're gonna learn to poop..? *giggle* Spoopy"

"Fucking Hell 'Right'"

"Are they going to look exactly like me? Because it would be hard to explain two clones living in my house to people..."

"They will appear the way your mind perceives them. Do you imagine them to look like you?"

"No? Kinda..."

"Please explain"

"As a child I just knew them as little voices, and thought that they were what imaginary friends were like. They mostly look like me, but have a few differences."

"Alright, let's start with your right brain, describe him to me. What are his differences?"

"He's a little shorter than I am, but same body type. He always wears oversized jumpers and skinny jeans always bright colours and matching high tops. His hair is always a barely contained chaotic mess just like his bubbly personality. His hair and nail colour always changed to match his mood but usually they were a Wilford Warfstache pink. He's a very cheerful kid and never lets left get him down for too long even though they're always arguing, it drives me nuts."

"I see, and left?"

"He's tall like me, but still tries to look taller by standing straight-"

"I stand straight because that is proper human posture. Not like the person writing this, slouching like the unemployed, insecure, asshole they are-"

"Lefty, they're a freshman dude,  you need to chill."

"Don't fucking call me a 'dude' you stale Dorito eating skrUblORd."

"-AHEM. Anyway, he has pitch black hair and wears fitted button ups with a bow tie, black skinny jeans, and black combat boot style Doc Martens. He wears hipster glasses that he's always cleaning even though they never get dirty. He has a deep voice and always has a calm, neutral face no matter what's going on. He never hesitates to drop a reality bomb directly on your hopes and dreams."

"Yeah, especially if that dream involves cake."


"I swear to god if you keep speaking French"

"Yeah that's all I can think of right now."

"He sounds... great?"

"It's ok to say it sounds like he's a dick, he is."

"Heh well, this is quite the risk you're going to take for them."

"Yes well, I've thought this through a lot and uh... here I am. When can we start or do it I guess?"

"Well if you're truly ready, we can do it now."

"Alright then... Let's do this."

Right Brain x Left Brain- Bo BurnhamWhere stories live. Discover now