Ch.3 Weird Feelings

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(The brains are no longer in Bo's mind so their text is no longer bold.)

*Right Brain pov*

Wow, being alive feels so cool! I look down at myself and see that I match Bo's description of me perfectly! I feel like I'm gonna explode with excitement as I see through my new eyes, everything looks different, and the machine's beeping sounds so loud and clear! I look around the room still not believing that this real.
"OH MY GOODNESS I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, I'M ALIVE!!" I shout, really hearing my own voice for the first time.

"Shut up." Lefty said already ruining my first moments in the real world.

I look up and glare at him. He looks kinda scary looking down at me with his angry face. I've never seen what he looks like before, we were just Bo's left and right brain after all and he looks exactly like Bo said he did. Tall, dark, and a complete meanie!

"I have been converted into a living organism as well as you have and you don't see me jumping up and down, yelling like an autistic child on cocaine. But at least people could grow to like them, you're too stupid to love."

Instead of feeling annoyed like i  usually do when he says stuff like that, I feel a bad feeling in my chest. My face feels like it's burning and my eyes start to water, I hate the fact that his dumb insult hurts so much. My lips starts to tremble so I look down at my sweater sleeves to try to hide it but before I do, I catch a glimpse his face. His cold eyes have softened and he had a shocked expression. I feel him staring me not knowing what to say. I look back up at him and we stand there awkwardly, I keep trying to calm down and he's looking at me with a weird look on his face. I'm confused, usually I just channel Bo's feelings and feel how he feels when we argue, which is annoyed, but now the only feelings I have are my own, and Lefty's words hurt more than I thought they would. I turn back to Bo, who looks upset that we're fighting, and the doctor who just looked shocked it was so soon after we were made, so I just swallow hard and look at the floor not wanting to make a 'scene'. Lefty seems to remember that they're there and clears his throat while giving me a cold glance, then he turns to the doctor and shakes his hand to break the silence.

"Thank you Dr. Patrick for this opportunity to exist, I cannot speak for the both of us but mine will surely not be wasted."

I immediately cheer up remembering how the doctor helped us and ran over to him to give him a huge hug and nuzzle my face into his neck. I'm shorter than Bo and Lefty are so I'm about the same height as the doctor.

"Thank you so much Dr. Patrick! Thanks to you, I'm a person now! It's so weird!" I say as I rub my face against his. I feel his face warm up as he laughs and hugs me back tightly rubbing my back saying that it was a pleasure. I sigh contently, enjoying the warmth and comfort from the hug. He smells so nice and has been so kind to us. I wanna stay like this forever. Suddenly I feel someone grab my waist and pull me away from our nice hug.

"Alright that's enough Right you're smothering the poor doctor." He said while pulling me away with a scowl. His face was red as he pulled me closer to his chest.

"Oh." I say embarrassed. I acted without stopping to think about how the doctor might not like hugs. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo. I looked down at the floor again and Left looked down at me still holding me close as if I was an out of control puppy.

"Oh no it's fine Left I didn't mind at all, and please you guys call me Matthew. " I looked back at the doctor smiling, happy that he liked the hug too. Lefty grunted behind me and let me go. I quickly stepped away from him and stood next to Matthew. He smiled warmly at me as he saw me plant myself next to him.

"See Lefty, he likes me! Oh my goodness, that means he's my boyfriend!" I say as I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. I remember Bo saying that a couple is two people who like each other. Matthew likes me and I like him, that means we're dating! Matthew does the weird laugh and his face goes red. I guess he's embarrassed from all the attention! That's ok though, he's gonna get used to it. I give him a kiss on the cheek, which makes his face even more red as he silently hides his face in his hands.

"No he isn't Right that's not what he meant, now get off of him." Left growls glaring at Matthew, he quickly turns to Bo. "I think we should go, we have a lot to learn about being a human after all and we need to figure out sleeping arrangements and such for tonight." I look at Bo pouting, I don't want to leave the doctor yet! We just started dating. Before I can say anything, Matthew seems to wake up from daydreaming and speaks up.

"O-oh yes of course! Your companion and yourself will need to eat soon. I'm sure that Bo can help with anything you may need but please call me if you have any questions or concerns." Matthew says as he quickly writes down his information onto a post it note from his desk. I immediately reach out to grab it wanting to be able to talk to him once we get home but Lefty beats me to it. I frown at him while he neatly folds it like the prissy he is and quickly shoves it in his butt pocket. We glare at each other and I can slightly hear more scribbling of a pen and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Matthew giving me a soft smile and holding out another post it note.
"Here, since we're dating and all" he says with a laugh. "You should probably have my number too~"
His tone makes my face get hot and I feel really embarrassed but happy at the same time. I stare at him and wonder if we should kiss or not cuz that's what boyfriends do right? Before I can do anything though Lefty pulls me away with a huff and says "Lets go." So we all wave bye to Matthew and go to Bo's car. Once we leave the building Lefty grabs me by the arm and wait stands still, watching Bo as he gets further and further away. I try to pull my arm away, scared that Bo would leave us and we would be lost. "Don't worry, I have a mental map of the parking lot from when Bo arrived here. I know exactly where the car is. I look up at him and nod. Once Bo is out of sight Lefty pushes me against the building. I let out an "oomph" of surprise as I hit the wall. He puts one arm on the wall next to my head and leans close to my ear. He says, "I need to tell you something..."
His deep voice sends tingles down my back and into my "no no area" and my face heats up again, much worse than with Matthew.
"W-What is it?"
He leans closer and I can feel my breaths get faster. Finally, he whispers into my ear.

"Shotgun." With that he stands up straight again and starts to walk away without another word. I stay in place for a few seconds, confused, dazed, and out of breath. I shake my head and run after him before I get left behind.

'What just happened?'

Right Brain x Left Brain- Bo BurnhamWhere stories live. Discover now