i fucked up

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(The next chapter still isn't anywhere near done but I said I was going to upload today so I made a filler thing a today. This happens before the events of Ch 3 after the surgery or whatever and they are just waking up for the first time. Bottom line, this is just before the events from the last chapter •-•)

*Left Brain pov*
Holy shit, this room is exceedingly bright. Seriously, how much do places like this waste on these superfluously bright lights? I feel suspiciously dizzy, I must have been put under heavy sedation to help get some rest.... Once my vision adjusted, I realise that I am on an abnormally large bed in a room with a vast assortment of medical equipment on the far end, seemingly shoved aside after serving their use. I look down to see Right still asleep beside me, they must've given him a dose equal to my own and it was too much for his smaller stature. He will probably wake up much later, and a little... loopy. He's smiling softly in his sleep and I watch him wondering... could this place really not provide us with another bed? The room appears to be void of people besides the two of us and all I can hear is the incessant beeping of the machines and the gentle breathing of the man-child beside me. I continue to look at him, curious of how he looked after having to coexist with him for a such a long time. He matches Bo's description. Hell, he even has the pink hair. How the fuck is that even possible? The description was rather vague however and now I'm discovering all these small things about him that I would never stop to explore otherwise. For example, his long and almost feminine eyelashes, how one side of his mouth seems to pull upward slightly more than the other, faint freckles along the bridge of his nose and across his cheekbones, how his breathing hitches every other breath, and his skin seemed so sof-t a n d n e a t

*c o u g h*

Anyway, he is resting on his back and I can see his chest slowly rise and fall with each breath. I watch him intrigued, finally accepting that we are now in fact human. We can eat and breath and drink, I even have a heart now. Guess I can't make that joke anymore... I look at Right beside me again and I suddenly have an urge to feel his heart beat and the rise and fall of his chest.
'No that's weird I can't do that... Well, he is asleep... Fuck that sounded so creepy what the hell.'
I chuckle at the thought.
'But, he really wouldn't know once he wakes up...'
I hesitate and then think, fuck it, and carefully place my hand onto his chest letting it settle where his heart is and feel it beating. It's so slow and faint for a second I can't feel it. I can't believe I'm here with him. In the outside world sleeping together... in the same bed..? I roll onto my side to get closer and rest my head over his chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat.
Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump thump
After a few moments I decide to get off my ass and go find someone and alert them that I was conscious. I try to get up, but as I start to straighten up I shift the bed downwards on my side causing Right to roll onto his side towards me. I inhale sharply and lay back down slowly to avoid disturbing him further. He frowns, scrunching up his eyebrows. He tenses and curls up in a fetal position and then relaxes, stretching out his arm across my abdomen and pulls us closer together. My eyes widen as he nestles his face into the crook of my neck and let's out a long sigh. His hot breath causing me to immobilise in his grasp. He pulls up his leg over my own and slowly drags it upward until it grazes my crotch making me gasp and quickly try to get away.
To my dismay my squirming causes him to tighten his grip on me and wakes him up. As I suspected, he seems drousy and confused. He looks up at me with half opened eyes and licks his lips before speaking.
"Lefty?" He pauses to yawn. "Is that you?"
His voice is soft and barely audible, sounding more like a whisper, and he is barely able to keep his eyes open. A piece of hair falls over his eye and I instinctively reach over and brush it out of the way. He smiles up at me and yawns again, making me yawn as well.
"Ha ha... made you yawn."
I laughed and stretched until my spine cracked. After hearing the satisfying pop, I settled back down on my side facing him.
"Well seeing your sleepy ass made me tired. Furthermore, you're suffocating me with all this snuggling, I'm hardly at fault here."
He lets out a breathy giggle and yawns again. Once he finished yawning he nuzzled his face back into my neck and whispered, "I'm just trying to hug you now cuz to you're usually a meanie pants. And anyway, what does suffocating have to do with yawning?"
He settled down and waited to hear my explanation, knowing that I have the tendency to ramble.
"Well, for many years it was thought that aside from a response to fatigue, yawns served to bring in more air when low oxygen levels were sensed in the lungs. However, scientists now know that the lungs don't necessarily sense things of that nature. However, low oxygen levels in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus of the brain can induce yawning due to...."
I slow down my explanation seeing that he was already fast asleep beside me. I sigh and watch him a few seconds longer just watching him sleep. I reach to stroke his soft blond hair and think,
'what am I doing? Being all buddy-buddy with this overgrown autistic child? Ooh I'm using that later... Why am I still here with this insufferable creature when I could be actually doing something with my life?'
I quickly retract my hand and get up, not caring if I disturb him. Once I'm upright, roll back my shoulders and take a deep breath, letting my face settle into a scowl. I walk right up to the door and let my hand rest on the knob, hesitating. I gather my wits and open the door, peeking out to see an empty hallway stretching out to my left and right. I turn back around to see him once last time before I go. He is still curled up to the the spot where I was, hugging my pillow. He won't remember the moment we just had, and although I thought I'd feel relieved I feel a little... dejected. No, this isn't me it's the medication we're both under, I can't let myself be lost to feelings of all things. Especially not these that aren't even real, especially not for him. No matter how nice it would be. I allow myself a sad smile before immediately falling back into a scowl, then quickly turning back to the door. I walk out into the cold of severe air-conditioning and
brace myself for the journey I was about to make. Before I go, I make sure to turn the knob before gently closing the door.

(I'm sorry if this is bad I did this all today and there's probably spelling errors everywhere xD They'll be another update soon but no promises :)))))))

Right Brain x Left Brain- Bo BurnhamWhere stories live. Discover now