Yuri K. X Viktor N. || Valentine

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Word Count:745
also btw I'm still on a little break I just didn't want to disappoint you guys this Valentine's.


"Hey, Yuri!" Viktor smiled, Calling out his boyfriends name.
"Yeah?" Yuri turned his attention to the silver haired man.
"I have a surprise for you~" he winked
"Really?" Yuri says, raising his eyebrows.
"I bet you're going to love it." Viktor says with a hearty smile.
"Will I?" Yuri grinned, jumping in his seat.
"Yup!" Viktor says, before looking behind him, "oh I got to go. I'll send you a picture of my surprise! I'll call you later."
"Aw.. Okay." Yuri says with a small smile
"I love you!" Viktor blows a kiss through the screen, Yuri does the same with an "I love you more!"
Before the video call was ended.

Yuri and Viktor haven't seen each other in a few years. Yuri had to train in Japan meanwhile Viktor had to train in Russia. They would normally send each other things for Valentine's through mail. But the closest they get to talking to each other and seeing each other is through video calling.

Yuri sighed, closing the laptop and lousily walking to his room. He picked up his phone and noticed that Viktor has already sent him some messages.
He opens his phone and reads Viktor's messages.

「Vitya」: Sorry I had to end it, Yurio was forcing me to train him. 😭
「Vitya」: Anyway, I would like to tell you this in VC (video Chat) but I just can't wait.
「Vitya」: so I talked to Yakov and he finally agreed
「Vitya」: /photo message/

Yuri opened the photo, there he saw the mans hand holding one ticket from Russia to Hasetsu, Japan.
Yuri covered his mouth in shock.
He looked at the date of when he was arriving to Japan, making sure he's free to pick his boyfriend up at the airport.

ETA: 12am, Feb 14, 201x

Yuri felt tears in his eyes, saving the picture to his camera roll.
He then proceeded to check the other messages

「Vitya」: Babe?
「Vitya」: oh yeah your phone is in the room.
「Vitya」: did you like my surprise? ❤️

「Katsudon」: omg vitya
「Katsudon」: REALLY!!!?
「Katsudon」: VIIIIIKKTOOOR~!!
「Katsudon」: I didn't like your surprise--

I loved it ❤️

Feb 13,201x; 11:55pm

Yuri patiently waited for the arrival of his partner, sitting down infront of the waiting area.
He watched every person who came out of the arrival area, waiting for one of them to be his boyfriend.

Until, he saw a familiar brown haired poodle walk out of the door.
"Makkachin..?" He says, the dog clearly heard him and the dog turns to him, then running towards him.
Yuri kneeled on the ground and hugs the dog.
"Makkachin~" Yuri pats the dog in the back, a minute later Yuri sees the silver haired man exit the door.
Yuri smiled, he ran towards Viktor, his arms open up for a hug.
Viktor sees the man running towards him, he opened his arms wide and hugged him tightly.
"I missed you so much..." Yuri sobbed into Viktor's coat.
"I missed you a lot too..." Viktor rubbed the back of Yuri, getting teary eyed. He pulls away from Yuri and leans in for a passionate kiss.

They both pull away after the long kiss, Yuri smiled, hugging him again.
"Happy Valentine's, watashi no ai..." Viktor whispers to Yuri.
"Happy Valentine's Day, moya lyubov'" Yuri smiled
"Let's go home and get some rest, let's celebrate Valentine's when we're rested." Yuri says, helping out with Viktor's luggage.
"Okay, babe." He smiles
"Oh yeah, mom made katsudon."

Yuri stopped and looked back at Viktor.

the man of his dreams, the first person who he's shown his true Eros to, the man who gave him his first kiss, the first person to motivate him to his limits, the first person who took him places, the person he admires since he was a child, the person he's dedicated his life to, the person who's changed his perspective in skating, the person who found him attractive in his worse moments, the person who helped him become who he is now, the person he dreams of being ended up to becoming the person he is being with. The person he's ever loved, pushed away all his time and effort, just to see him.

"Viktor..." Yuri says
"Yes?" Viktor says, stopping next to Yuri.
"Thanks so much.." Yuri says tearing up, "for everything.."
"As long as it makes you happy, love.." He says with a smile

"I love you, Viktor Nikiforov."

"I love you even more, Yuri Katsuki."


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