Part 4

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"Wow, this kid is some kind of hero! There are so many articles of him saving people, doing the impossible. It's like he's not human," Ruby snapped the folder shut and leaned back in the plush seat of Lex's private jet.

"He saved my life once," Lex said matter-of-factly.

"Is that why you're obsessed with this small-town farmer boy?"

"He may be the key to saving thousands of lives," Lex replied.

"I don't get it," Ruby leaned forward and dropped her voice. "He may be special, but aren't we spending too much time on him? I mean, surely there are hundreds of ways to cure cancer, stop world-wide poverty and famine, or end tensions between warring countries. Why Kent?"

Lex did his half-smile thing again, causing Ruby's heart rate to increase. "What makes you think you should be privileged with more pieces of the puzzle?"

"Maybe I'm special too?" she tried, but knew there was no way a guy like Lex would ever be interested in her. But then, stranger things had happened....especially in Smallville. The jet touched down and they stepped out into the summer heat and fresh country air. "Where to?"

"A corn farm; where else?"

Ruby hurried after him, carrying a special box that Lex had commanded she not open.

"Knock, knock, anybody home?" Lex walked casually around to the barn like he owned the place, pausing in the doorway to let his eyes adjust to the shadows.

"Hey, Lex! How's it going?" The hero himself bounded down the stairs from the loft, his hair just as dark and his teeth just as white as his pictures.

"I've been better. How's my old friend?" Lex slapped him on the shoulder and gripped his hand in a brotherly fashion. He eyed Ruby sideways, giving her the signal to open the box she held. Maybe it was a present or something for Clark?

Immediately, Clark began gasping for breath as he collapsed to his knees, and Ruby couldn't help but conclude that the glowing green rock in her hands was causing the torturous effect.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked when Lex whipped out a syringe and stabbed it into Clark's arm, drawing blood.

"Trying to save humanity," was his nonchalant reply.

"But you're hurting him, you're-" she dropped the box and rushed to Lex, pushing him away from Clark. But he had already done the damage and pocketed the sample. Lex stood and grabbed her arm, pulling her from the barn and back to their waiting car, all the while Ruby tried wrenching free, slapping her fists on his hard chest.

"He'll be fine. Trust me," Lex's grey eyes held hers as they took their seats back on the jet, daring her to contradict him. But she knew that if she made one wrong move, she would only be tempting her own fate. Oh, what had she gotten herself into? Her heart warred with feelings for the good side of Lex she knew was deep down somewhere, and contempt for the corruptness that was only becoming more visible the longer she knew him. What was his end game?

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