Part 5

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"The molecular structure is unlike any I've seen before. His genetic material is unable to be mapped, it's that complex! Where did you say you got the sample from?" Lex's leading scientist was astounded.

"I didn't," Lex replied tersely. "Just run every test as planned," his lips curled in a sardonic smirk.

"Lex," Ruby placed a hand on his arm, pulling him to the side. "What exactly do you plan on doing with this?"

"Ruby, Ruby," he spoke as if she were a 5 year old. "Clark has far greater potential than he realizes. I merely want to uncover the depths and source of his strength."

"You want to experiment on him?"

"I would never hurt my friend. You know that, Ruby," he frowned as if hurt that she could say that of him. "Just think of all the good this could contribute to mankind."

She still wasn't convinced. "But-"

"You've seen what he is capable of. Such power shouldn't be limited to just one man." She had always liked the sound of power, and Lex knew it. "Once in the right hands, I believe it could be the savior we all need," his smooth voice glided over her pricked conscience.

"So, Mr. Luthor has a heart afterall," she conceded with a playful smile.

"Something like that," his eyes sparkled as they held hers for a few heart-pounding moments before travelling over her face and landing on her lips.

She instinctively lifted her chin, moving closer to him. He lowered his head until their lips met, sending electricity spiralling through her entire body. Ruby clutched his tie, pulling him closer for some insane reason. She knew these feelings tearing through her heart could be her destruction. No one played with fire without getting burned.

The door to the lab swung open, but they were greeted with silence. There was Lana, standing to her full 5'4", mouth twitching with a thousand words unsaid.

"Lana, it's not what you thi-"

"Save it, Lex," she hissed, the venom in her eyes definitely disconcerting. Who knew miss kitty could be a lioness when she wanted? "I don't need your pity," she spat, turning on her heels before pausing. "You will never be half the man Clark is.

Was that supposed to hurt Lex? He only smiled, "I should hope not."

Lana lifted her nose higher in the air, if that was even possible, then click-clacked out of their lives.

"Now, where were we?" Lex turned back to Ruby, the side of his mouth lifting as he rubbed his hands over her arms, pulling her closer.

"Um," she started, but all confusion melted as he kissed her again, deeper, longer.

"Looks like you're special, after all," he regarded her intently as she beamed. "Don't get too used to it." 


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