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The staff at WIT Academy are readying themselves for the new students that will be entering the school.

David, the one responsible of readying everything, was barking orders left and right.

"Everything should be perfect!"

"Those shouldn't be there!"

"Why is this part so bland?! We have to have a great first impression for the students!"

"Can't anybody do anything  right here?!"

"Why are these here again?!"

David sighed as everything is getting out of order. But he just recollected himself  and thought 'everything should be perfect. Everything we've been working for is riding on this first day being successful.' He looked around, checking everything again and his temper drastically rose when he noticed something.

"Why are the vials not here yet?! They should be here by now! Come on guys! The vials are the most important part right now!" David was literally pulling his hair right now out of frustration.

"Calm down David. The vials are here. Right on time." A voice said behind David. David looked behind him and saw a man, his best friend, in his signature lab coat, walking towards him. It was obvious that this man is a scientist.

The scientist's assistant was following closely behind. Following the scientist and his assistant were people carrying trays of small glass vials with liquid which are a range of color inside them. From red to violet, even white and black.

David all but ran to his friend.

"What do you mean you're right on time!? You're 30 minutes late!" David shouted as he showed his phone to his friend, whose name is John, showing its 3:30 a.m. when the vials should've been here at 3.

John sighed and grabbed David my the shoulders and turned him to the giant clock at the entrance of the main hall that shows 3:00 a.m.

"David. It's right on time. Your clock is just early. Calm down. The students won't arrive yet. We have plenty of time." John tried to calm his friend. David sighed and ordered the people who were carrying the vials to follow him. That left the scientist and the assistant in the middle of the main hall.

The assistant, Callie, looked around at the extravagant decor and she felt her heart sink at the hidden reason to why they wanted, more like needed, students in this school, which was not for the students gain but what the government wants to believe is humanities gain.

"What are you thinking of, Callie?" Callie's thoughts were broke by the scientist's voice.

"It's just that. Should we really do this? No matter which angle we're looking at this, we're basically going to use these students. We're not even sure if this plan will work. And they won't even be able to live a normal life after this." The assistant said, knowing she can't hide anything from him.

"It's better than the previous plan. At least we're giving them a choice to go to the school. Not like before." John replied. The assistant nodded remembering the previous plan.

"I guess so." Callie said.

"Well let's go then. We still have some research to do." John said and walked back to where he came from, Callie following closely behind.


One more part before the form. Read the next part because it will help you decide which hybrid you want to be. And I hope you read the rules completely.

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