Hybrids and Mutations Guide

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This will be a guide on choosing which hybrid you want to be. And if you don't want to be any of the hybrids there are a few mutations you can be. But anyone who will enter this school will never be a normal human. So if you don't want to be a hybrid, just have some sort of mutation.

Mermaid hybrid-
• creatures of the sea
can turn into a mermaid. The first few shifts are painful and needs a lot of concentration but over time you can shift pain free and with little concentration.
• can control water.
• siren song (the ability to compel someone by signing)
• can talk with other sea animals
• can breathe underwater
• can swim faster than normal people
• can forcefully shift into a mermaid if lower half gets wet.
• you'll need to keep your skin hydrated
• if necessary, you need to shift at least once a day.
• you will have sensitive skin
• is weaker against heat, whether artificial or natural
Vial: sea blue liquid inside
Night class

Dragon shifter hybrid
creatures of fire
• can turn into a dragon. The first few shifts are painful and needs a lot of concentration but over time you can shift pain free and with little concentration.
• can breathe/control fire
• enhanced senses
• super strength
• you can fly
• blood has healing properties.
• weak against water
• when transforming, it should be in a large space.
• transforming takes a lot of energy. You can only hold a transformation for 5 hours at most
• fire breathing can take a lot of energy too.
• flying could also take a lot of energy.
Vile: red liquid inside
Day class

Fairy hybrid
• creatures of nature/earth
can transform into a fairy (basically your dress just turns into something nature related and you grow wings)
you can fly
• you can control nature
• you can control the earth.
• you can use magic spells
• you can also turn into a smaller version of yourself to go into small areas.
transforming into your fairy form takes a lot of energy
• transforming into your smaller fairy form takes a lot more energy that just transforming into your fairy
• flying also takes a lot of energy
• it takes a long time to perfect a magic spell (no matter how good you are.)
• you're weaker in your human form and your smaller fairy form
Vial: green liquid
Day class

Griffin hybrid
• creatures of the sky
they can turn into full grown Griffins
you can fly
• enhanced sight and hearing
• you can shift into a half form ( you would still retain your human body but you would grow wings and loon claws)
• super strength
• increased intelligence
• you would not like water.
• you would lose energy if you shift.
• you would lose more energy if you fly for a long period of time (5 hours at most).
• half shift actually takes more energy that whole shifts.
• they would be sensitive to heat.
Vial: clear colored liquid
Night class

Vampire hybrid
• creatures of the night
• can transform into a vampire (gain fangs and red eyes)
• super speed
• compulsion
• heal quickly
• heightened senses
•super strength
• can't be under the sun for more than 3 hours
• werewolf bites/scratches would not heal without special medication
• sensitive eyes
• sensitive to heat
• needs blood to survive.
Vial: midnight blue liquid
Night class

Elf hybrid
• creatures of the day.
• can turn into an elf (get pointy ears and clothes turn into a nature theme *predominantly green*)
• Good at archery or any long ranged weapon
• can talk to nature and summon vines or any other force of nature to help them.
• minor telekinesis
• immune in nature causing illness
• enhanced hearing
• weak against fire
• can somewhat feel the nature near them. ( like if there's a forest fire near you, you'll feel part of what the forest feels.)
• can't use telekinesis all the time.
• can't use telekinesis on very large objects
• uncomfortable around loud music
Vial: light green liquid
Day class

Werewolf hybrid
• creatures of the moon
• can transform into werewolves (the twilight kind)
• super strength (both human and wolf form)
• enhanced senses
• keen instincts (can sense things easier)
• can shift into a half form (gain sharp claws and sharp canine teeth)
• heal quickly
• wolfsbane
• vampire bite and scratch need special medical treatment
• silver can harm them
• takes a lot of energy to shift but still needs to shift regularly
• takes more energy to do a half shift.
Vial: violet liquid
Night class

Phoenix hybrid
• creatures of the sun
• can transform into a Phoenix (a majestic fiery bird)
• control over fire
• immune to fire
• can half shift (get wings and nails will become talons)
• tears can heal and may possibly revive someone
• can fly
• weak against water
• takes a lot f energy to fly
• takes a lot of energy to do a half shift
• if you heal someone you feel part of their pain.
• weaker at night
Vial: orange liquid
Day class

Angel hybrid
•Creatures of the light
• can transform into an angel (wings and Greek style clothes)
• can fly
• can heal people
• can use light magic
• can make barriers and force fields(only around yourself)
• more powerful during the day
• weaker at night
• flying takes a lot of energy
• shifting takes a lot of energy too
• using magic takes a lot of energy
• attacks from demons needs special medical treatment
Vial: white liquid
Day class

Demon hybrid
• creatures of the dark
• can turn into a demon (bat like wings, and a tail *predominantly dark colors*)
• can use dark magic
• can fly
• can summon animal demons
• illusion magic/manipulation
• more powerful during the night
• weak during the day
• flying takes a lot of energy
• shifting takes a lot of energy
• using magic takes a lot of energy
• attacks from demons need special treatment
Vial: black liquid
Night class

Mutations: you CANNOT turn into any of the hybrid if you are a mutation. You will only gain one of their powers and will focus on that.

• blood bending: can control a someone's actions be controlling the blood that flows through their views or arteries or whatever (mermaid mutation)

• illusion magic: making illusions that can trick all five senses of mastered (demon mutation)

•healing magic: can heal people faster and for a longer period of time than the hybrids because they just focus on healing (dragon hybrid mutation )

• star magic: can harness the power of the stars to cast magic ( Phoenix mutation)

• weather control: the weather changes deeps sing on your emotions ( elf mutation)

• Compulsion by sight: can control somebody just by looking into their eyes (vampire mutation)

• compulsion by voice: control someone using your "alpha" voice (werewolf mutation)

•memory magic: ability to alter ones memories (griffin mutation)

•defense magic: can make barriers and force field the protect many people (Angel mutation)

• you can see the future, especially futures about those close to you or groups your associated with. (fairy mutation)

If there's a mutation that you want that's not here just tell me and I'll add it.

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