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Let me explain to you how this works. This form is kind of different because I'm asking you to rp as you write the form. This is like a preview for me on how you reply to comments. But overall I just like to be unique.

So I'll start with a scenario which you will have to read or else you won't understand the story. And at the last part of the scenario there will be one question (probably what your characters name is) and you just have to comment the answer to the question. ALSO WAIT FOR MY REPLY. I mean it. And REPLY LIKE YOU'RE ALREADY REPLYING.

For example, if the last part of the scenario goes like this:

"What your name?" The interviewer asked sending a smile your way.

Your answer should go like this:

Anissa smiled back at the interviewer.

"Anissa Starlight, miss." She replied.


"U-um. My n-name is W-winter m-miss." Winter replied, being shy as ever. She's really not comfortable meeting new people.


Jacob scoffed and leaned back against the chair, not wanting to bother this dumb persons questions but knowing he doesn't have anywhere else to go but here he knew he has to.

"Jacob. Jacob Knight." He replied, his voice monotone and void of emotion.

You get my drift. Don't worry I'll give you help on the way if you don't understand. It would be in the parenthesis if we talk out of character.

Also I'll put like a temporary limit to the number of each hybrid, just because I don't want like 10 angel hybrids and then just have 1 griffin hybrid. The list will be here and I'll update it daily. And if it exceeds that number then I'll set a new limit (not that I expect it to).

Oh and you can be a junior, sophomore, or teacher. But they will have normal forms and IS LIMITED. There's only a fixed number of spots for sophomore and juniors. Teachers have a fixed number of spots as well.

I won't start the rp unless all the teachers spots are filled. Also the junior mutations will be the mentors/trainers of the sophomore and freshmen mutations.

So this is the start of the form for the freshmen.


You enter the gate of the school and looked around. The school owns this large plot of land and built not only the main building it other buildings too. You see what looks like a stable, a building that looks like dorms and other buildings too.

As you approach the main building you see other students go through another side of the building. You assume their either sophomores or juniors.

You enter the building and you saw looked around. The inside of the building was decorated to the max. It seems they really went all out. There were also faculty already waiting there.

You were led to a room where your interview will be held. The school requires you to be interviewed instead of filing out a form. The interviewer was already there.

She smiled as you went in and offered you a seat. She looked at the clipboard she was holding and them looked at you.

"First off. What's your name?" The interviewer asked.


This if the form for the juniors and sophomores


You enter the back door co the school. Using your special ID to get in. And as you came in this form immediately appeared in front of you. As already notified to you as you went home for summer vacation that as you went back you have to fill out a form as you went back to the school. You read through the form and started to fill it out.






Relationship status

Year level (sophomore, or junior)

What hybrid/mutation are you (what power you excel at too):






And this is the teachers form

(P. S. The teacher has to be a born hybrid of what he/she is going to be teaching at. And she should have a vendetta against the supernatural side of him/her or at least be/she wouldn't care if any supernatural will be harmed.)

You know why the school was built and want to help for the cause. You entered the school and needed to fill out a form to be a teacher there






Relationship status

What hybrid you are






I guess that's it. And as you comment please tell which form your filling out.

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