Chapter 15~ Levi's Past

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Your POV

It was the end of the day and Levi and I were walking home. " do you like your new friends?" I ask Levi, making small talk. " mean the stupid brats that hang around now?" Levi asks me. "Call them whatever you like, but to me their friends." I say. All of a sudden a group of students from our school is walking down the street. Levi spots them and immediately grabs my hand. I squeak from the sudden action but soon loosen up my tension. They begin to stare at us and whisper some things such as...

"Why hasn't he kissed her yet?"

"Maybe he's cheating on her?"

"Maybe she's cheating on him?"


"She doesn't deserve Levi..." mostly the girls said that one.

They walk past us and keep on staring.

"Take a picture it lasts longer!" Levi yells at them as they speak walk away. "Your quite the tough guy." I say as he looks annoyed. "Tch...shut up you ugly door." Levi says. I just smile at his nickname for me as we let go of each other's hands. "So...Christmas Eve is tomorrow..." Levi starts a conversation. "Yeah...are you still working?" I ask him. "Yeah. I can't take it off. The cafe won't let me." Levi says as he runs a hand through his black hair and pulls out a cigarette. "That's ok. I invited Eren over! So I won't be alone." I exclaim with joy. All of a sudden, Levi chokes and begins to cough on his cigarette smoke.

"Levi! Are you okay?!" I ask as I pat his back. "I'm fine..." Levi pants as he takes  in a huff of smoke. "That's going to kill you." I say for the millionth time. "Shut up. Your not my mom..." Levi says.

" never tell me about your family..." I say. "Really don't have a lot of family." Levi says as he breathes out smoke. "Well...tell me about your small family." I say. " brother, Sam, he's adopted. I got my mom who lives in the bad part of Japan along with my uncle moms name is Kuchel...she sent me here because she didn't want me living in the slumps of Japan. I often text and call her...and she might come on Christmas Day...then you know Mikasa." Levi explains about his family. "Wow! Sorry if I'm being to forward or invasive but-" Levi cuts me off.

"I have no dad." Levi says with no expression. "I'm so sorry..." I say. "Don't be. Never met him. So I don't have any memory of even having a dad. Kenny was the closest thing to a dad that I got." Levi says.

"What happened to him? If you don't mind me asking." I say.

"Well. When my mom and Kenny first moved here from our home, The Underground, there were very little jobs and no one would take in someone with no job experience." He says.

"What did they do?" I ask.

"Kenny went to the underground ever so often to collect his share of money from some black market junk that he was involved in..."

"And your mom?"

"My mother did what she had to do. She was beautiful...scratch that...she still is beautiful. My mother...became involved with prostitution at a local house. One of her clients got her pregnant and BAM! I was born. Kenny wanted to let me go, he wanted to abort me. But my stubborn mother said no. She wanted me...and she kept me. I was born on December 25, Christmas Day. Hehehe...she said that I was the best gift anyone could ever have. Kenny did warm up to me in time...My mom never contacted my father. Hell...she probably didn't even know who my father was. So her and Kenny come on Christmas Day to say happy birthday and Merry Christmas. Soon after I was born we were forced to move back to the underground. There...I got involved with some bad stuff. Killed the age of 8. I was feared...I was a pathetic little 8 year old who was feared by grown men. Tch...and the sad part was that my mom didn't even know, and I didn't know that she didn't know. Kenny kept it a secret for a long time. He was using me to make money. Men would bet on me and all I'd do was win. Kenny told me to win, and I knew what that meant. He was telling me to kill them. So that's what I did. I killed and made money for the house. My mom did forgive him though. She was a very forgiving person. My money combined with Kennys black market funds helped us keep the house and keep up with food. My mother didn't have to be a prostitute anymore...and that's all that mattered to me. I hated the men that would come into our house. She would tell me to go wait outside...I obeyed. But one time when I didn't obey I was scarred for life. Traumatized. The man was beating my mom. Beating her to death...she was telling me to run away. Kenny wasn't home at the time. I didn't run. I grabbed a knife and stabbed the man right in the stomach...made a long slash all the way around and saw his guts spill out. The man didn't die yet. He got up and cut a 'x' on my chest. He cut real deep for someone with his guts spilled out all over the floor. After that he died of blood loss and my mom stitched me up with the supplies that we had. It was hard...for her...for me...for us. My mother is a strong women and I wouldnt be who I am today without her....Well...anyway...sorry for making a short story long." Levi finishes.

"Thank you." I say.

"For what brat?" Levi asks me.

"For telling me." I smile.

We make it home after what seemed a really long talk about Levi's past. But I was glad we talked. Maybe I could meet his mom and his uncle. Levi had opened up to me and that made me happy. It made me eight times more comfortable with him now. I knew what made him who he is today. Levi had been through a lot. More then anything that I've ever been through that's for sure. He's strong minded and strong willed. I believe that Levi can make me strong too...

1104 words...

Authors Note~

Sorry for the boring chapter. It was not a filler just to let you know. I wanted the reader to know these things about Levi in order to influence their relationship. So yeah. I am making Kuchel alive in this story, because why not? I'm sorry if you do not read the manga and you do not know who Kuchel is. Kuchel Ackerman is Levi's mom. I highly suggest that you all read the manga. I'm sorry if I did spoil anything for any of you. Anyway, I love you all so very much and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

Bye bye my Titans❤️

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