They were after him, and there was no escape. Sweat trickling down his face as he sprinted into the forest. He heard a crash something leaped from the bush! It was...
   " Oooowwwwen! Dinner! "
    Owen put his book down. He sighed. He was bored. He was always bored. Owen Quint had the perfect life. Loads of friends, a's with the occasional b, captain on every sports team, and adored by all of his classmates.
    But Owen longed to be more than that, he longed for,
" Owen dinner! " a crisp singsong voice called from the kitchen again. Owen sighed, he didn't want dinner, he wanted to be a hero, just like his hero, The Silver Prince.
He walked swiftly down the stairs, gagging at the vibrant colors in the living room. No, green and orange do not do well together.
As he made his way into the dining room, Owen's despondent mood became clear to his mother.
She looked up, eyes staring over her glasses, " Darling what's wrong? " she asked in an all knowing voice. Owen twitched.
" nothing mom, " he said.
Owens mother pouted, " Owen, there was a time when you told me everything! "
" Really? When? " Owen asked in mock surprise.
" Owen Parker Quint! " exclaimed Owens mom, " don't use that tone with me, and go fetch your father, the lasagna is almost ready. "
" I'm sorry mom, " Owen said. He obediently hobbled to his fathers study. Shuffling sulky.
The door creaked when Owen pushed it, and a deep voice called mysteriously from the room.
" whoooooo daaaaaarrrrrresssss toooo enteeeeeeerrrrrrrr?"
" Dad! " Owen said rolling his eyes. " I gave up on that when I was ten! "
" you may have but I haven't! " a disembodied voice laughed.
" I've come to tell you dinner's ready. "
" great I'm famished! "
Owens father was a fun loving, jubilant man, whom to Owen mother often remarks, " Lloyd Quint! You should act your age, what a terrible example to Owen!"
This statement had been made at the dinner table after Mr. Quint had begun to eat his green beans with his hands. " now Charlotte, it's a complement! In some places eating with utensils is an insult! "
Mr Quint, a historian, never wasted an opportunity to drop an information bomb on the family.
Owen scarfed down his lasagna, cleared his place and stated he was going to read. He climbed the stairs, finally! He was going to figure out how his favorite series ended! The Lunar Race, Owens all time favorite book, was the only thing that made his life interesting. Oh! How he longed to be a hero like the Silver Prince! His mind filled with possibilities, he bounded up the stairs with new found enthusiasm.
He rushed the bed, his comforter and pillows bounced and fell as Owen hit the mattress. Snatching the book from his bedside table, he immediately flipped through the pages finding his place.
    After an a hour, a soft knock sounded at the door.
     " Owen? " it was his mother.
     " hmmm?"
     " we're watching a movie, want to join us?"
      " uh hu, " Owen answered absentmindedly. Mrs Quint leaned up against the door.
    " are you an ugly gorilla with purple polka dots? " she asked
      " uh hu," Mrs Quint raised her eyebrows. Then smiled. " well then, to bad, ugly gorillas with purple polka dots aren't aloud to have popcorn, I guess I'll leave this gorilla to his reading. " she turned and exited the room.
    " uh hu, you go do that. " Owen muttered, then his mind caught up to him.
   " wait! Mom don't start without me! " he yelled " what are you watching?"
    The movie had been a good one, but all Owen could think about was his book. When the movie had finally ended he had hurriedly brushed his teeth, but before he could race upstairs to finish his book,         
  " Owen, no reading tonight ok, you've got a dentist appointment tomorrow and I don't want you sleeping in. "
    " yes mom, " Owen said disappointed rushing through his body.
    He fell onto his bed in frustration.
   " uggg " he said, his voice muffled from the pillow that was engulfing his face " I hate the dentist. ".
     He placed his copy of The Lunar Race on his bedside table and put his head on his pillow.
     He stared at the illustration on the back of the book. It depicted the beautiful princess Nova. Her eyes were so lifelike, and as Owen stared, he could swear he saw her blink.

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