Owens head ached, his vision was fuzzy, but from what he could see, " Owen, " he said to himself, " Your not in Kansas anymore. "
Owen stood up, his mind swirling, everything was so beautiful. It was obviously night, and the silver moon shone on the trees, making them glitter.
He was in some sort of opening out of a forest. The trees surrounded him, almost like a friendly prison, except for the fact that he didn't feel trapped, it basically was a prison.
Owen felt a little bit uncomfortable. Realizing that his clothes were drenched, he started coming up with theories. No matter how much he thought, he couldn't come up with a good explanation.
He looked up, expecting to see a round, full, moon but instead, he saw it waving, as if it were a reflection on water.
" what the? " he asked, totally befuddled. " Curiouser and curiouser! " he muttered.
Then, picking up a stone, he hurled it at the water ceiling. It just missed, and came rocketing down, BINK! Right onto Owens head.
" ouch! " he exclaimed rubbing the top of his head. Then, picking up the stone and pitching it up again, his anger thrusting it just the needed couple inches, it hit the water, and flew into it, the liquid absorbing it like gelatin.
Suddenly, it fell back down the water falling with it! As if a hole had been cut through the water ceiling, it came gushing out in the spot Owen had thrown the rock.
" no, no, nananana no! " Owen said, as the water, which did not go past the trees, slowly rose up to his ankles, then knees, then waist.
Owen waded around, trying to find a way of escape. Within two minutes, he was treading water. His heart beating five times as fast as normal.
Then, in a fleeting moment of panic, he swam over to the waterfall cascading down from the roof, and dove into it.
The water pulled him up, up past the ceiling, into a wide wide ocean. The top was way farther than Owen had accounted for, and his air was running out. He could see the moon clearly! Bubbles spurted from his nose.
He propelled himself through the water, ten feet, seven feet, five feet from the surface, but too late. In one last desperate attempt, Owen blacked out, his finger tips, not even breaking the surface of the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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