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Chapter 6 "Sweet nothings"

Bill had grown confused while he and Dipper went out to the Small town that is Gravity falls. Everywhere he looked small hearts were plastered here and there over stores and houses. "Humans have fascinating ways to waste such material" He spoke out looking left and right gaining a Laugh from the boy next to him. He looked over to The young man with a questioned gaze. "its funny Really to think you are all knowing yet don't know about Valentine's day" Dipper laughed out smiling and nudging Bill. Bill however did not find it funny. He truly didn't know about human traditions and such. "I know things its just... i never took an interested me in any ways. Its a waste of time if you ask me" Bill spoke defensively it really was a waste of time sometimes. "Well tell me that when you fall in love" Dipper said smirking walking faster to Lazy Susan's. Bill stood there for a moment before running to him. "Love? your joking right? I'm a demon remember no Human feelings?" he said placing his hands over where his heart would be. Bill couldn't afford being human no that would be bad. very bad. "oh right forgot your heartless" Dipper said his tone the same cold as it was back when he first saw bill. He went in the little dinner and ordered for himself Knowing bill had clearly pointed out that he was a demon and demons don't need to eat right?. "yes Pine tree i don't need to eat but it is nice some times to eat human food" Bill stated looking at the heart shaped pancakes that he'd gotten. Dipper shrugged biting in to the sweet pancakes not carrying if people saw him.

Hell with what people think, this is better than spending time with someone all day

Dipper thought Making Bill Frown and disappear. Dipper didn't think much of it any ways he knew bill sometimes left like that. But he continued to eat his pancakes.


Hell with that people think, this is better than spending time with someone all day

Well if he didn't want me here he could have just said. I vanished like smoke on a windy day. I went back To Pine Tree's room sitting on the soft mattress. As weird as it sounds i can somehow sense him here with me in the room. To be truthful with myself i was glad i left. If i get into these feelings it sure as hell can cause big trouble for me. I cant get to attached to him either. It will just lead to my own powers being gone for good.

But the way he made that sound it sent chills down my spine

No. That's bad to think about. Grave even. I cant think of my owner like that. Then again he hasn't asked much of me. I would have thought he would be thrilled to have a demon butler with him (cough cough aye cough cough) and be asking for things that would seem so crazy. yet he seemed to be helping me. I mean it wasn't a violation yet i found it not right. That's why i could not let him do the things he plans on.

i swear that boy is gonna be the death of me

and he might as well be. These emotions they aren't right. They cant be right. They weren't normal to me. And it made me afraid of myself. Of what might happen if i grew close. I know what humans go through pain. and if i were to grow close to him. Not only would i lose my demonic ways but lose my sense of not feeling. I could lose him to. And reading those really rather cheesy human books about romance i can understand the feeling of what ill go through.Time went by normally before Pine Tree came by a little later. His eyes glossy as he just tossed himself on his bed. Soft sounds coming from him. What ever happened him? Would it be bad if he look through his mind? maybe not

they are right! I'm just a weak loser gosh i forgot how it felt to have been so overseen by many people. Yet i dealt with this so many years already why does it hurt now? why does it sting a little more? maybe because its true. They are right why did i even come back. then again... no stupid this was your idea

"Pine Tree?"Bill's voice startled Dipper causing him to jump before looking up at the demon. "w-what?" Dipper's voice was shallow and raspy like sandpaper on chalk board. "What happened while i was gone?" i said just asking not doing anything. "just... some stupid stuff don't worry about it" Dipper said sinking his face into the pillow even more. I didn't know what to do but he felt bad. "I'm... I'm not mad that you are here pine tree" I spoke soft and shy making Dipper look up at him. "" The young man said sniffling slightly. "when you said you were a servant to me, does that mean anything i ask for?" his voice was still soft and muffled by the pillow. I nodded looking at him. "Then... can you maybe... i mean can i have a hug?" He Spoke bashfully not looking at me. I did as told and held him close as he just sobbed into my chest .

Your into far now Bill


Holy cheeseballs with Gravy on Top long chapter aye?

I mean it is also gonna be valentines day tomorrow so i mean lets just take in the moment of how Author took the time out of her stressful fucking day to write this :'

oh gosh i need a break


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