what are emotions?

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Chapter 9 :asking

I feel like the biggest sack of shit.forming bipper again god what was I thinking I only hope I don't get in trouble with anyone especially pine tree. I really don't want him to be mad after he has treated me with such kindness even when I was so horrible. "Hey pine tree?" I asked out in the night knowing well he and I couldn't sleep. " What is it?" His voice was shallow and tired. "I'm sorry if I woke you up but. I been meaning to ask you why you um been so nice lately to me?" I heard shuffling and I turned around as he came walking up to me. "I know what you've done I know what you are capable of it feels like I known all of you all of the time. All your fears all your powers all you capabilities.but." he trailed off a bit before sighting. " I just feel like you need more kindness than anything. I know you enjoy others pain but maybe the fact that it's not always OK to hear 'ahh a demon' now is it?" He asked as I remembered all the people who are just afraid of me just by a simple glance. " You really do know me" I said rubbing his cheek. He smiled grabbing my hand kissing my wrist. " Just rest alright? Don't worry about it ok? I'm not gonna hold a grudge on you for anything" he said as he left to his own bed I looked at where he had kissed. The tingling feeling still lingering as I looked over it again a strange feeling in my stomach lingered. I smiled grabbing the hand and bringing it into my chest beginning to sleep.

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