Summary & Warnings

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Its the 1600s and all Louis wants is the freedom he knows he will never taste again.

He knew happiness, knew a good life and love. Had dreams and reasons to see the good in people, to expect good things from life.

Forced into a marriage he will never get out of, all he's looking for is a breath of life. Maybe something or someone to come save him from the hell he knows.


Guys! I should not be posting another fic, but this has been in my drafts for more than two years and it has to see the light someday. Its a one shot that I decided to start posting in parts. There's a few warnings so please read carefully before you begin reading!

–Forced Marriage

–Mentions of rape (There will only be mentions of it happening, no actual explicit scenes)

–Domestic Abuse

–Physical Abuse

–Verbal abuse


–Male Pregnancy

These are all I can think of for now. If you feel that I need to add more, feel free to do so. I will change the summary to something better once I can think of something better than that.

Thank you for giving this story  a chance!

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