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This is the first chronological work in the Darwin series, titled after the first work I originally began in this series. This is my personal headcanon on how Australia and America would begin dating, so you may see me reference the year 1917 in other works with this pairing.

I am aware that I fudged with history a little to make a more pleasing narrative, and if you feel like you need to point this out, be aware I'm not changing it.

This work is posted on February 19th, 2017, the 75th anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin in 1942, the first and largest air raid by the Japanese against Australia during the entire war, and the largest single attack ever mounted by a foreign power on Australia.


Somewhere in France, Western Front, Europe

Kyle glanced over at Avery as they smoked cigarette after cigarette. "That's not gonna help, you know." He said as the Kiwi started on their third cigarette of the afternoon. He hadn't had a cigarette since before lunch, content to stretch out his tobacco ration until the supplies arrived that evening.

Avery, in turn, made a rude hand gesture before returning to the cigarette they were currently working on. "Fuck off, we'll get more tonight anyhow." They returned the cigarette to their mouth, taking a long draw and sighing as they exhaled. "Besides, it helps me think."

Kyle rolled his eyes, and then stood up on tiptoes to glance over the trench, ducking before any Germans could spot him. "Doesn't appear to be anything going on over there today." He said, sitting back down in the hot and dry trench, mercifully dry for the moment, as it was the end of summer. But soon the rain would return, and everyone on the Western front knew it.

Avery snorted, putting out their cigarette and tucking what remained back into the carton. "For all the Americans talk, you'd think they might be able to actually do something in this war. Matthew's troops are far more helpful than Alfred's."

Kyle shrugged. "They're children. They're new to war. They were like us, before-" Kyle cut himself off.

New Zealand looked up at him and neither was able to say the name of that cursed place aloud. Kyle finally grunted. "You know what I mean." He said, trying to relax for a few moments.

Avery nodded in agreement, and watched Kyle pull out one of his own cigarettes. "Do you have a light?" He asked when he pulled out his matches and saw they were wet from an accidental spill of a few liters of water last night.

Avery struck a match for their brother. A gunshot sounded, and then several more, causing both to jump, and a few of their soldiers tossed their rifles up and over into no man's land in case there was an advance force coming forward. Kyle glanced at his watch as he tried to calm down, cigarette having hurriedly been shoved back into the carton and the match blown out. "Ah, it's three o'clock. So wait five minutes, then we'll fire back." He said, before taking a long drag on the cigarette after striking another match and lighting it. It was usually right on the dot that the Germans fired at the lines, and besides, no one really wanted to shoot each other anymore.

Hunkering down, both of the nations from the Southern Hemisphere examined their feet and hands as the sounds of bullets passed by overhead, checking for any signs of something more dangerous than smelly feet. Kyle groaned before yanking off his socks. "I thought my feet smelled bad back in 'Straya." He muttered, glad the it was only smell currently clinging to them.

"They still classify as weapons. Put on a new pair before I puke on you." Avery responded, over exaggerating their physical reaction. Kyle snorted and pretended to toss his socks towards Avery. Had they been at home, this would have resulted in shrieking and laughter as he chased after his younger sibling.

1917 (Part One of the Darwin series)Where stories live. Discover now