"Atleast now, he wants to say something"

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Actually Sana had an intense desire to begin a conversation between the two. But poor Sana din't get any idea about how to, neither had she encountered such circumstances.

She took a deep breath in and turned towards Susou. And was excited when she saw that Susou had been, for a while watching her.

"Atleast now, he wants to say something", she thought with a curiosity.

"You're here for the audition?" he asked with a smile.

"Oh yeah, and you?"
"Yeah, thats why I asked". This time the smile was even bigger. It seemed as if he was expecting the girl to recognise something.

Sana did recognise but din't want to show up that moment.

" And your name?" asked he.
"Sana. But I don't think this name will be called in the list of finalists to be announced shortly".

" Why not? I saw you perform very well on the stage" said the once-called Legend.

Before Sana could reply, the speakers in the hall roared, " And now we have the results of the audition. These pairs of singers are selected for the Grand Recording". The list was long, it read,
"Mary and John",

"Banu and Mishra",

" Ankit and Vani", and finally

"Sana and Susou".

Sana jumped off the seat, but soon she sat with a thought. "Was it really my name? ...Oh, thank God...Wait. Who is going to sing with me?" her heart throbbed.

As a reply to her thought, Susou stood by her with his arm held out, probably for a hand shake. They shook their hands when Sana felt a spark in his hands....an electric sort of shock...like how the classic movies depicted the first touch.

She couldn't tempt herself from revealing her fanatism for Susou. And now she learnt how to start.

"Susou? Is that your name?,she asked as if she din't knew. "You are a great singer, aren't you?"

" Yeah.. I m happy that you atleast remember my name". He wasn't so sad ,neither was he excited.

"Why so, sir? How could the world forget legends? May be you are one."

"May be? huh, but its true. I m not upto what I was in the past". Actually he din't want to share anything.

Sana kept pestering, asking about what had happened in his life.

In the past, when he rose almost upto a celebrity, his family was very happy. But his father, a chain smoker and a chronic alcoholic fell ill. When his family knew all about his alcoholism, they tried a lot for his recreation.
But ended up making his father feel so guilty and desperate.

Whenever Susou's mom or brother was around, they adviced his father to quit alcohol and smoking. This irritated his father and made him crave for hostility.

"What if I were smoking in the past? Now I don't. Then why do you all treat me like shit?" he used to scream aloud.

All these scenes flashed in Susou's thoughts when Sana kept pestering.
Probably that's the reason why he gave up singing for long.

Though he din't mention any of these, he just said that he quit singing due to certain unavoidable circumstances.

"Oh, let me know all about it later", thought Sana. And she said, " It's again a chance to prove yourself. Not let the past ruin your future".

That put a big smile on Susou's face and with will he said, "I ll do it. Worry not".
" What's for me to worry? may be if you were my close friend".

The man with new will said, "I am..I will". He was no more a crush for Sana, but a close friend.

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