"It was the cutest gesture"

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Sana was put into a higher responsibility of MOM, which she accepted as a challenge. Susou was so concerned about her health that he bought about half-a-dozen books on DO's and DONT's in pregnancy.

"Susou...you're too good... But how did you forget that I m a doctor myself, and I do know all these ?? These books are of no use to me..", she was happy.

"Actually, I din't get these for you.. Its for me. I'd read them and learn to take care of you", said he.

"But.. Why don't you ask me the necessary details instead of reading this whole stack", she kept on questioning.

"If I were to ask you a thing about that, you would blabber some medical terms and leave me sick.... You may know what those words mean, but....to me...its something in Greek and Latin that I don't understand", he was right....in the public view.

She smiled and tapped gently over his shoulders as she meant, "You're naughty, Susou... And annoying sometimes...but its insane to be mad at you".

Days passed by. And their angel was growing faster. Sana was a good doctor and she could make out that they are going to have a baby girl. Probably, from the dimensions and shape of her abdomen. She was so happy about it, and so was Susou.

The family started discussing  names for their lucky child. Every member had a suggestion, all of which were good. As usual, Adhi was approached by the family for the final decision.

Adhi was excited about his arriving sister and he chose a name of his own for her. He wanted her to be called NIVI, and he called out the name aloud as he went near Sana's womb. It was the cutest gesture. He believed that Nivi would hear him.

Sana was compelled to eat lots....as she had to eat the new member's part also. She was filled upto the neck....though with nutritious food and fresh juices.

Susou's love for Sana grew unconditional that he'd return home earlier and spend lots of time with her. He din't allow her to work in the hospital, atleast until maternity.

They used to share their ideas about taking care of their child, her schooling and even her marriage.

Sounds silly !!!! But for them.....it was like a wish.....a wish made at the sight of a comet.

They met the doctor for regular check ups and Sana herself cross checked all her medical reports. Thanks to the Almighty, there were no complications in her pregnancy.

She was in the third trimester of her pregnancy and now the fear of labor started to haunt her. She tried convincing herself, but was not able to. She was unstable emotionally, and argued with Susou even for silly reasons. Susou, having read those books, was able to understand that the strange behaviour of his wife was normal....if it were for the pregnancy. The family feared if these kinds of emotional stress would harm the child inside her.

She sought help from her Mom and even Susou. She visited a psychiatrist....Dr.Shanthi....her professor when she was in her UG. This was Susou's suggestion.

She was familiar with her professor, even after her UG, as she was the only doctor in her batch to get a PG medical seat in Radiology. That had been the course ever doctor craves for.

She felt free to share her thoughts and what all haunted her. She feared not only about the pain she had to bear, but also about her career after that....she had to take care of her child....and also continue her profession. She thought it'd be difficult to manage.

The doctor gave her good counselling that she felt her heart light. The words that were convincing to her.....

....."You don't have to worry about this, Sana. You must be happy. I....I m a mother of two...hope you know. True...it pains during childbirth, I've experienced it....not once....twice. But all your pain and worry just flies off at the sight of your little.....too little.....kid, crying as if she meant that she had been missing you for long. You smile then...and all your pain vanishes...within seconds.

You must be lucky to have a caring husband, for which all women are praying hard. And moreover, you don't have any complications in your pregnancy ....as of now....but you tend to develop if you keep worrying.

Wear a smile !!!! And don't worry about the pain, it lasts just for a few hours. But it's gonna give you pristine happiness, till you breathe the last !!!"

Those words were golden. They are to be etched....in the sands of time.  It gave back hope and again, she started enjoying the carriage.

Her labour day was not too far. She kept counting the days for their Goddess.....Angel to arrive.

Every night, Susou would place his hands over her womb and tell their girl, "You're lucky....my child. You have a caring Mom, and Of course !! I do take part. You're a gifted child...and your birth is gonna change my entire world....You're God's child".

And Adhi......was eagerly awaiting to see his little sister.  Often, he'd place his ears over Sana's womb and try to hear Nivi. He'd say her, "Hey...Nivi... When are you coming out?? Be quick....I couldn't tempt... We'll all play games together..... I'll give you all ma toys....even my favorite DINOSAUR doll....I'll ask your dad to get a Barbie doll for you".

He'd kiss his little Nivi.....from outside the womb. Those cute moments were all captured.

Sana's parents visited her often, and took good care of her

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Sana's parents visited her often, and took good care of her. Her Mom advised her many things. Sana, from the moment she became pregnant, developed a sense of gratitude....thankfulness....and every sense of that kind over her Mom. She could completely understand the divine sacrifice, affection and love of a Mom towards a child.

The calendar was rapidly moving.
Two days prior to her informed date of delivery, Sana gradually developed the signs.....of labour pain. She was aware and taken to the hospital earlier.

She was taken into the labour ward. Susou was allowed inside the labour ward, but he dared not to go. He couldn't bear seeing Sana suffer.

He stayed outside. Sana's parents also arrived and they were praying hard....for Sana to get through the delivery without any complications.

True! The hospital walls have heard so many prayers than temples.

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