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Who are you?

No, I don't mean your character. Who are you?

I wonder this question every time I go to a con. I try to find a quiet spot and people watch. And my eyes are always drawn to the cosplayers: the young, the old, the experienced, the store-bought newbies, everybody. And yes, I ask for photos when someone dressed as my favorite character strolls by.

But even as I pose and smile, as the flash goes off, I wonder, who is this person? This person standing next to me, who has devoted so much time and so much more money to becoming this character? What is it about you, yes you, that compels you to travel, sometimes very far distances, to a con and give up an entire weekend to pretend to be someone you are not?

It took me a couple of years to get the guts to start actually asking these questions. When I did, I wasn't disappointed. And that's where Masks Off came from.


Author's Note: This is project from about 3 years ago that we never got around to publishing. Yay Wattpad for giving me a place to put this writing.

Recently, the photographer joined Wattpad, and she has agreed to let me put her incredible photos in this little thing. I did the photos for Azmyth's story, but all the rest of them were taken by her. Please send some love to theromarin because she is amazing.

Masks Off: Stories of Midwest CosplayersWhere stories live. Discover now