Excuse Me?

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Chapter 3

Excuse Me?

Lucinda's POV 

"Your worse nightmare." 
" See, now that doesn't apply here, we're not dreaming and very much awake." I couldn't believe this guy... who does he think he is? 

" I can assure you that I'm not one to mess with." 

"What, you're so young." The shorter male stated. 

" John, shut up." John, his name is John, noted.  "She may look young, but look at her eyes, they hold so much. Such tragedy, heartbreak, loss, and loneliness. She's much older than she appears to be."

"How... How did you know that." I stuttered as I took a step back. 

"It's written all over your face." The taller man stated, almost bored sounding 

"Who are you, and don't lie to me either," I said as I pulled out my gun, the one named John shot his hands up in the air almost immediately. I smirked.

"Sherlock Holmes, yourself?" 

"Oh no, what have I done, not now. No, I need to save her, this can't happen now."

"What are you talking about?" Sherlock questioned with a cold face, what's with this guy.

"Fixed point in time, this is something that can't be overruled or re-written. I was told that I would meet you, Sherlock, or should I call you William. Whatever, I was told, by someone very powerful that when the darkness fell and the shadows came to haunt us I would meet a man named Sherlock and his flatmate, which I'm assuming is John."

"You're the girl the wall spoke about?" 

"wall?" A confused look made its way onto my face, I think I was starting to understand all of this."

" Perhaps she can help us deduce what the sonic device is upstairs?" Sonic device? Oh dad, please don't tell me you've lost your sonic again. 

"Show me," I demanded and the two men turned around. I followed them up the stairs, trying not to fall, oh why. Why today, out of all days I chose to wear 5-inch heels.

"This, we found it in the same building that the message regarding you and the shadow time was depicted." Sherlock said coldly, did this guy have any emotion at all? He just blankly stared at me, all the time. it's getting creepy. I looked up and saw the sonic screwdriver sitting in Sherlock's hands. Oh god... it wasn't my dad's, it was mine... A gift from him for my 16th birthday. 2 regenerations ago, but I had mine. I pulled it out and gently lifted it towards the sonic that he held in his hands. A small spark went off when they touched. 

"it's mine, from the future. I have a future, that's nice to know. I can't take it, keep it. There must be a good reason if I had just left my Sonic Screwdriver lying about."

"Screwdriver?" John questioned. I sighed once more, I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. 

" Sonic screwdriver, yes, do keep up. It can do just about anything, expect on wood. Doesn't work on wood. 

"How can a shit of cheap metal do almost anything?" Sherlock stated bluntly

"Excuse me? It's not cheap, it's worth more than your tiny life, got it?" He nodded gently, almost taken aback by my words.  

"How did you end up here? And what was that thing that you shot, and killed." John rambled on.

"It's not a thing, it's a Dalek, one of the most feared beings in all the universe. And it was chasing me, they don't really like my race," I say softly as John hands me a cup of tea, I take a sip. Earl gray, perfect. 

"Why don't they like humans?" Sherlock asked intrigued. He sat down with his hands underneath his chin, again staring at me like he was... reading me.

"Well, they don't like you either. But The Time Lords are a powerful race. We destroyed them, well my dad did but that's beside the point. I set them off, they broke my vortex manipulator, so I'm stuck here until I fix it, I have quite the temper so I tried to kill them, and one got away. it came after me and here I am." I said taking another sip of my tea 

"Time Lords?" Sherlock said quietly to himself like he was repeating it for a reason. Like he was trying to put his finger on the title. 

"Yes, I'm a time lord, why? Did you think I was human?" I laughed as I sat down my cup on the side table and walked over to the window and looked down at beautiful downtown London. 

"You look human to me," Sherlock said as he removed himself from the chair and walked over to me and looked straight into my eyes.

"Yes, but I know that you can deduce what's different, well some of it. Go ahead." I smirked as he walked around me again and again, looking up and down my body. 

"Your heart beat... it's very fast, I don't.Know.why, not because of me, no we just met."


"Hearts" He finished and I smiled. "How is that even possible."

"It looks like you've finally met your match, Sherlock," John stated as he approached the two of us. 

"You never told us your name." Sherlock said, taking a step back, obviously still in shock from what he just deducted.

"Lucinda, Lucinda Song. Please call me Luce." 

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