Part 13: Heal a mark with a mark...

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{Jezzabelles Pov}

"Sir! We need you to stay calm!" I heard a voice shout as I slowly wake up with my eyes closed,

"Shes going to need space!" Another voice shout as I heard a loud growl I can never forget as my eyes flew open,

"Doc! Shes awake!" A lady with red hair shouts as I see my mate being dragged out of a weird looking room I was in,

"Are you okay sweetheart?" A man with grey hair and beard asks as I whimpered when I tried to move my head,

Another growl was heard before the doors burst open and a very angry Kaden was by my side in seconds.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Do you need anything? Do you ne-" before he finished I cut him off with a slight groan,

"Im fine, my neck stings a little" I say with a small smile as he caresses my cheek,

"It hurts because, well first of all you were marked by a wolf that wasnt your mate, and second of all he was a very strong wolf that led a group of rouge wolves for as long as he lived. Im surprised you managed to survive through it, most patients die within 20 minutes of being marked by another wolf that isn't their mate" The doctor says in shock as Kaden continued to worry over my neck,

"How long is the pain going to last?" I ask as he looks through his stack of papers on his clipboard,

"The only cure for the pain is......" he trailed off as Kaden waits for his answer,

"To be marked by your mate" he says with a smile as my eyes widened and Kaden looked shocked,

"That shouldnt be a worry.........right?" The doctors smile faded when he saw the way we looked at each other,

"I'll be outside if you need me" he says before walking out awkwardly as I try to move my head back before a whimper escaped my lips,

"Princess" Kaden says gripping my hand as I noticed his golden eyes were switching colors meaning he was trying hard to control his wolf,

"Mark me" I say reaching up to his cheek as he leans into my hand with a sigh,

"Are you sure?" he asks worriedly as I smile,

"I dont want you to have a war with your wolf because Im in pain and you have to move onto the next step of the mating process to heal me" I say caressing his cheek before he grabbed my hand and kissed it slowly,

"I'll try to be gentle" he says leaning over me as I show as much of my neck as I can without hissing in pain,

"Ready?" he asks hovering over my neck as I try to calm my nerves of him being this close to me,

He kissed my neck as I closed my eyes with a sigh. Licking over a spot that made me melt before I felt his canines slowly sink into my neck making me hiss in pain.

The pain only lasted for a few seconds before he kissed the mark and moved away as I let out a relieved sigh. I felt the mark send tingles all over my body since the mark makes our connection closer then ever before.

Now I can read my mates thoughts as he can with mine, and the part of the mating process I always blurred out of my mind is going to be the fact that after a wolf is marked by their mate, they will soon start getting closer to the day they go in heat.

My thoughts stopped when I noticed Kaden was gripping my hand making me remember I was thinking of starting my heat and I felt my face turn red.

"Are you feeling better?" Kaden asks soothing my arm as I nod,

"My neck doesn't hurt as much now" I reply with a grin,

"I already got my men to get the horses and carriage ready, are you able to walk?" he asks as I snorted,

"My neck is in pain Kaden, not my whole body" I answer back with a chuckle before moving off the bed slowly as he held my arms tightly to see if I can stand,

"I got it" I say with a nod as he loosens his grip, by a centimeter,

"Yeah, how about we do this?" he asks as I was about to stand he lifted me up bridal style and I noticed the tingles on my mark start growing all over my body,

"Wouldnt want you to fall" Kaden says with his cute smile I noticed he didnt show as much around others then he does with me and my family,

He carried me out of the room as I noticed we were in a small pack hospital house for wolves since I sensed all of the people in the room were wolves.

"Lets go!" I hear our beta shout before Kaden placed me beside him in the carriage and tucked a blanket tightly around me,

"Our road trip is slowly getting interesting" Kaden says as we rode along the road,

"How much longer till we get there?" I ask suddenly feeling my body growing tired as he thinks it over,

"About 12 hours, you just get some rest so when you wake we'll be there already okay princess" he says lacing our hands together before kissing it as I smile and look out at the sun setting over the large trees and houses we were passing by,

"I love you princess" I heard before I let the darkness take over my sleepy body.

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