Part 30: Pregnant...

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{Jezzabelles Pov}

My eyes flew open when the sudden urge of something coming out of my mouth quickly woke me. I leaned over the bed throwing up in the small trash can next to the bed. I coughed out the rest when suddenly a pair of hands pulled my hair up out of the way. I turned to see Kaden holding a towel and a cup of mouth wash as I rinsed my mouth before wiping it with the towel.

"How did I get here?" I ask  as Kaden threw out the mouth wash I just spit back into the cup while cleaning the towel also in the sink,

"Well after the sudden outburst of my mother showing up at the training grounds hours ago about you being sick while pushing me out of there, I came back to see my lovely mate napping in the bath looking as beautiful as always" he says coming back with a smile as I noticed he was just in his boxers while leaning down to kiss me,

"And uh, I got you some things to help you while your going through the whole process" He says with a wide grin as I looked up at him confused,

"What process?" I asked as he hands me a bag full of different types of chocolates and snacks,

"Your pregnant" he says with a big smile as my eyes widened,

I looked down at my belly pulling my shirt up as I noticed the small bump I was growing which I thought before was just belly fat.

"I'm so happy right now princess" Kaden says leaning down next to me on the edge of the bed while rubbing my belly as I instantly started tearing up,

"I didn't even notice this" I say slowly rubbing my belly as Kaden grinned widely looking down at my belly,

"I can already tell its a boy" he says tracing my belly as I chuckled,

"What if its a girl?" I ask with a raised brow as he shook his head with a laugh,

"Nope! I got a strong feeling about this one baby" he says kissing my belly as I push his face away when it started to tickle,

"I bet you its going to be a girl" I say with a raised brow as he looks at me with a smirk,

"And what will you place with that bet if Im right?" He asks as I shrugged,

"I'll let you do anything to me for a month" I say with a smirk as his eyes turned dark before smirking,

"If its a girl then I'll let you do the same thing to me as well" he says putting his hand out as I laughed while shaking his hand,

"What time is it?" I ask confusedly since the curtains weren't pulled back,

"Almost noon" he says casually putting on a shirt as I gasped,

"I gotta go take my usual pack check ups" I say pulling the blanket away before a hand immediately pushed me lightly back placing the blanket back over me as I looked up at a angry Kaden,

"Your not going anywhere till our baby comes" he says sternly looking down at me as I look up at him in disbelief,

"What? I cant get out of bed for four months?" I ask with a scoff as he clenched his jaw while nodding,

"We're literally at war with those blood suckers right now, so you leaving this room is out of the question" he says kissing my cheek before getting up as I huffed in defeat while crossing my arms,

"If I'm going to be staying here for a long time can you at least invite my family over? I miss them and I wanna tell them about the baby" I say looking up at him with puppy eyes as he looked down at me with a sigh,

"I'll have some guards bring them, but it'll take a few days since there's many enemies past the pack grounds waiting" he says as I nod,

"Just as long as I get to see them and let them know Im okay will be fine" I say thinking about my lovely family that I haven't seen in weeks because of the whole meeting with Kadens parents turning out being a longer stay then I thought,

"I'm going to get some paper work done but while I'm gone I'm going to send my idiot of a cousin in here to aid your every need okay? And if he doesn't just mind link me so I can finally find a reason to kill him" he says as I rolled my eyes with a chuckle as he smirks before leaning down to plant kisses all over my face and belly before walking towards the door as I waved,

As soon as he was out the door a angry Sam walked in looking out the door as I just noticed the angry tension between him and my mate right now, I guess he heard what he just said. Kaden slammed the door as Sam growled before turning to me with a emotionless face before noticing my hands on my stomach. He looked at me confusedly before making a sniffing noise as I felt awkward about it.

"Your pregnant?!" He gasped as I groaned,

"Yes, if you haven't noticed" I say before eating the candies Kaden left me as Sam stares at me shockingly,

"A new member to the royal family already? You guys work fast" He says sitting next to me on the bed as I giggled,

"I didn't even know we were planning on making babies" I say noticing it now as he chuckles while trying to grab a candy as I slapped his hand away making him laugh,

"I cant get one?" He asks with a pout as I rolled my eyes before putting the box out to let him get one,

"Thats the only one, the rest is for the pregnant woman" I say with a raised brow as he chuckles while nodding.

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