Sorry for the slow updates but Im gonna hurry this book up because alot of my books are slowly being updated by how much time I have from my life style plus the fact that alot of you guys are giving me ideas of new books and I do want to get to them but I have to finish these up first ok 😊 So yeah I'll try to finish this book soon this month happy November guys 😚💟
{Jezzabelles Pov}
"Theres a baby in there?" My little brother asks rubbing my belly as I lay in the pack nurses room about to explode if Kaden wasn't here yet,
"I still dont like the fact of you having a baby without being married first" Jason says crossing his arms while looking down at me with a clenched jaw before my mom slapped him,
"Your sisters about to give birth, hush up and support her" she says with a glare as he rolls his eyes before sitting next to me,
"Wheres the asshole anyways?" He asks as my mom put her hand up about to hit him before he flinched and I giggled,
"He said he had to do something first Jason" I say trying to keep my breathing steady as he sat down next to me looking at me with a sigh,
"I knew you were going to leave the family sooner or later, but this is to soon for me" he says placing his hand on my forehead with a small smile as I grin widely before sitting up and pulling him into my arms,
"I love you my little jellybelle" He whispers into my ear as I grinned at his nickname he gave me when we were kids,
"I love you too my big Jackson" I replied the nickname I gave him when I couldn't pronounce his name as a pup,
"I love you too belle" Johnny says hugging my other side as I smiled before hugging both of my brothers as our parents smiled down at us,
"Oh my god!" I shrieked before my brothers jumped back looking at me confusedly,
"Are you okay?" Jason asks as I shook my head,
"My water broke!" I screamed while gripping the bed as the nurses came quickly while telling my family to leave,
"Your babys coming now luna" The nurse says as I breathed heavily shaking my head,
"Where's my mate?!" I shouted as they shook their heads,
"We have to deliver your baby now" They said pulling up my hospital gown as I screamed,
"No! I won't push until my mate is here!" I shout while noticing how badly I was starting to sweat before the doors burst open with a shocked Kaden running to my side quickly,
"Im here baby" he says holding onto my hand while kissing my forehead as I groaned,
"You need to push now Luna!" The doctor shouted while I screamed out in pain,
"He's crowning" She says as my eyes widened,
"He?!" I snapped as Kaden turned to me with a smirk,
"I fucking hate you!" I shouted before pushing harder as he turned back to the baby that was popping out of me painfully,
"I swear on every chocolate pie that I ate growing up I will never let you impregnate me OH MY GOD!" I shouted hitting Kaden over and over as he tried to calm me down,
"Its a healthy baby boy" The nurse announced after what felt like so many hours of pushing came to a stop,
"Here you go Luna" She says as I hear the small cry coming from my baby,
"Oh my gosh" I whispered slowly letting the nurse put him in my arms,
As soon as the chunky baby was placed in my arms his crying stopped as I looked down at him in awe. He had small black hairs on top of chubby head while his eyes were still closed. I put my finger on top of his watching his tiny hand wrap around my finger.
"Would you like for your family to come in now Luna?" The nurse asks as I nod with a big smile on my face,
"Oh my gosh!" My mother shrieked while coming in with my brothers and father,
"He looks alot like him belle" Johnny says pointing at Kaden who was smiling down at me and our son,
"What are you going to name him?" My mother asks with a grin as I sniffled before looking at Kaden,
"What about Jaden?" Kaden asks as I looked at him confused,
"Well I wanted to name him after myself but than it would seem like an asshole move, so what about my name with the first letter from your name in front?" Kaden asks with a shrug as I shook my head before laughing,
"Jaden it is" I shrug while letting out a yawn making Jason look down at me cautiously,
"Don't just stare, pick up you're nephew dumbass" Kaden says rolling his eyes as Jason glared at him before taking my son out of my arms,
"Im gonna spoil you so bad little man" Jason says holding my baby as me and Kaden look at them in awe,
"Is my grand baby in here?" Cindy says walking into the room as she gasps when she sees Jason holding my baby,
"Oh my moon goddess your beautiful" she says smiling down at the baby as Jason hands him to her before another strong scented body came in making my parents turn in shock,
"Alpha king" They say bowing as his eyes widened,
"You don't have to do that" he says with a chuckle as they turned to him with confused looks,
"What are you doing here?" My dad asks as I realized my parents never knew about Kaden being the son of the alpha king,
"To see how well my grandson came out of course" he replies with a chuckle as my parents looked at me in shock,
"You never told us you were mated to the next alpha king" My mother says with a gasp as I smiled back,
"I didn't think it would come up since it took you guys a while to get here only to have you here right when I gave birth" I say with a laugh noticing my mom was staring at Kadens father in awe before my father turned to her with a raised brow as she giggled nervously,
"Picture?" The nurse asks coming out of no where as we all nodded while Cindy handed me my baby for the picture,
"I love you baby" Kaden says kissing my cheek as I smile widely before the flash went off.
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The beast and me
RomanceJezzabelle Johnson was one of the low class people in her village. With her small family of 5, she manages to keep a smile on her face even though they are having alot of struggle in their lives. In her village everyone treats her nicely considering...